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My idea of a great shopping trip!#BlackFridayShopping#BYOB

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This is the damage of #blackfridayshopping. It wasn‘t too bad, especially since some of these are for my #ssgpbuddy. I can‘t wait for them to get here so I can wrap the gifts and place the rest on my shelves. Yay, books!!! #secretsantagoespostal #wintersolsticebookexchange #bookoutlet #bookhaul #thriftbooks #booksale

TheBookAddict Ps. I promise my secret santa that these are the only books I‘m buying until after Christmas. 😁 I don‘t want you to freak out. I will show some restraint... 7y
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#bookhaul from my favorite bookstore back home. It was a movie theater in the 60s and then transformed into an independent bookstore until B&N bought them out. I should have taken more photos of the original neons they‘ve kept up, the mural on the ceiling, the way it slowly descends into the children‘s section.

Top three books are gifts for family, but I totally want to read them before I send them off. 😳😳

TEArificbooks I think I have been there, is it San Diego area? 7y
Drnkpnkprincess @mdm139 yep! In Point Loma. 7y
TEArificbooks I was so determined to get there, my hubby has a work conference in downtown san diego. The day before 15 was closed due to the fire in the pass so we spent 10 hours in the desert taking the southern state highways to get there. The day we went my hubby got on the tram to go to his conference and I drove the kids there to kill time and have breakfast at the cafe (idk there wasnt one). 7y
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TEArificbooks I accidently drove past it and went up the hill. At the next light I was in the turn lane so I could u turn but noticed smoke from my hood. I pulled into a parking lot and sure enough my car over heated. I was stuck, my hubby gone, I had to hot hungry kids in car with no food or drink. I googled mechanics and limoed it a few blocks away and was stuck in the hot mechanic waiting room with hungry kids for 2 hours. 7y
Drnkpnkprincess @mdm139 ahhhh!!! Oh no! Thats horrible! that whole area is full of restaurants and shops, and the San Diego version of “pikes place” is just up the street... did everything end up okay?? (edited) 7y
TEArificbooks I called my hubby repeatedly until he picked up, he would know there was something wrong and step out of his conference. He finally answered and left his conference early. Turned out my entire coolant system blew and had to be replaced. The kids and I ubered to the hotel and my hubby ubered it to pick up the car. 7y
TEArificbooks While waiting in hotel room for car to get done my little jumped off the bed hitting his head hard, had to walk 4 blocks carrying him to an urgent care. He developed a goose egg and 2 black eyes, but was fine and just had watch for concussion symptoms. My hubby picked up the car and then picked us up from urgent care. At this point it was personal, I had to get to your store if it was the last thing I would do. 7y
TEArificbooks So we went straight from urgent care, but understandly by little didnot want to be there, plus no milk from the non existant cafe so we only stayed for 15 minutes. But I really likes the mural and how the check out is the old popcorn stand. 7y
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