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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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Happy to have been able to get to listen to this while fixing the last few things for these presents. So excited to get these out tomorrow!

#SecretSantaGoesPostal #WinterSolsticeBookExchange #BookmarkSwap

TheBookAddict @Emiller I believe I got something from you yesterday. I am waiting to open it after I send out my gifts out. I just don‘t feel like it‘s fair for me to open my gifts while you ladies are waiting on yours. I will send mine out tomorrow so I‘ll probably open my gifts this weekend. 😊 so excited! 7y
TheBookAddict @Emiller @Graciouswarriorprincess @Mommamanzi be on the lookout on Monday, your bookmark swap goodies should get to you then. 😁 7y
Emiller I‘ll be on the lookout! Thank you! 😊 7y
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Avanders So fun!!! 7y
TheBookAddict @Emiller you‘re welcome! @Avanders yes, I‘m so excited! My #ssgpbuddy should get her package on Tuesday. 7y
Graciouswarriorprincess I would be looking out! Thank you! 7y
TheBookAddict @Graciouswarriorprincess you‘re welcome! 😊 7y
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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Yay, I just got the newest additions to my washi tape collection and I also got some more goodies in for my #ssgpbuddy and my #bookmarkswap pals. So I will be finishing some stuff up tonight so I can get them to the post office tomorrow after work. Since I won‘t be able to read The Silkworm nor listen to The Drawing of the Three (since my hubby is busy with homework), I shall listen to A Man Called Ove. I‘m excited to start it! 😁

Robothugs Oh. My. Gosh. All that washi tape. 🤤 7y
mrsmarch Ok. Someone needs to help me learn what is awesome about washi tape, I have clearly missed the cruise ship on this one. 7y
TheBookAddict @Robothugs I know! 😂 it was hard to decide what to get, but I‘m happy with my selection. @mrsmarch I love the cool designs. I use it to make bookmarks, but people use them for all kinds of crafts, scrapbooking, to decorate their planners or bullet journals. 7y
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mrsmarch @TheBookAddict Is it actually a plastic printed tape or a paper tape with stick on it? 7y
Hollie I loved this one on audio! 7y
TheBookAddict @mrsmarch there‘s different kinds. There‘s the plastic printed tape and tape that‘s like masking tape with print on it. @Hollie I‘ve already chuckled quite a few times. I am enjoying it! 7y
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Bookshelf | Lydia Pyne
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Update: they are ok! Thank the book gods! The top 2 are for my #ssgpbuddy so I can‘t reveal those. They are two of my favorite books that I read this year. They both made me laugh, made me mad, and brought me to tears. Just lovely and I am excited to share them with a special fellow litten this year. #secretsantagoespostal #wintersolsticebookexchange

TheBookAddict @BarbaraTheBibliophage they are! 😁🙌🏽 7y
jfalkens I'm so glad they are ok 🤗 7y
TheBookAddict @jfalkens me too, it was hard to stay calm while carrying the box in and opening it. I was about to cry big tears if they had been damaged. 7y
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jfalkens @TheBookAddict I can't blame you there, I would have too! 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Yay - looks like a lot to enjoy! 👏🏻👏🏻📚📚 7y
TheBookAddict @BarbaraTheBibliophage yes! I apparently don‘t think my TBR piles are big enough already 😅... I think I‘m gonna have to go on a book buying ban until I read some of the book piles I have waiting for me...maybe. 😂 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @TheBookAddict I‘m on a ban right now. Haha I‘m failing! 🤪 7y
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Secret Santa | Scarlett Bailey
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Yay!!! Some of the books are here. I will be wrapping some of them this weekend. I hope my #ssgpbuddy likes the presents I got her. #secretsantagoespostal #wintersolsticebookexchange #ssgp

GypsyKat I recently discovered Thriftbooks, they are awesome! 7y
TheBookAddict @GypsyKat they are! I had known about it for a bit, but I just now have started to trust them. I was skeptical about the condition of their books. 7y
GypsyKat @TheBookAddict One book I ordered from them was supposed to be hardcover and instead they sent me a paperback (which only bugs me because I got the other in the series in hardcover and now they don‘t match). But it was like $2.70 so I don‘t even feel like it‘s worth it to return it. However, that is the only issue I‘ve ever had with them. Typically they‘re great! 7y
TheBookAddict @GypsyKat yeah, it may be more expensive to return it. So far I haven‘t had any problems with them. 7y
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Secret Santa | Scarlett Bailey
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Yay, I go one of the books that I ordered for my #ssgpbuddy in the mail today. Not only did I get a present for her, but my purchased helped the Housing Works Bookstore Cafe in NY. It raises money to support Housing Works, which gives lifesaving services to individuals living with HIV/AIDS. It also helps with advocacy and prevention programs.


TheBookAddict Also, @Peddler410 have you by chance received a couple of things in the mail from me? I just want to make sure that they made it to you safely. 😁 7y
Peddler410 @TheBookAddict Yes! I was planning to post about that tonight 😊 Showed up Saturday (edited) 7y
TheBookAddict @Peddler410 awesome!!! 😁 7y
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Lmstraubie A gift that gives twice!☺️ 7y
TheBookAddict @Lmstraubie yep, I was pretty excited about that when I ordered it. 😆 7y
TheBookAddict @Peddler410 see, I jumped the gun. I should have waited, but I was worried that because of the Black Friday madness it would somehow get lost. Don‘t ask me how, because I don‘t really know, but I expect the worst on that day. 😂 I‘ve just been scarred for life since I worked at Walmart in my teens and saw how crazy people got on BF. 7y
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This is the damage of #blackfridayshopping. It wasn‘t too bad, especially since some of these are for my #ssgpbuddy. I can‘t wait for them to get here so I can wrap the gifts and place the rest on my shelves. Yay, books!!! #secretsantagoespostal #wintersolsticebookexchange #bookoutlet #bookhaul #thriftbooks #booksale

TheBookAddict Ps. I promise my secret santa that these are the only books I‘m buying until after Christmas. 😁 I don‘t want you to freak out. I will show some restraint... 7y
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Stress shopping. The sale was too good to pass up, and free shipping. #bookoutlethaul

At least three of the books are for my secret Santa recipient. #secretsantagoespostal. Which ones? I‘m not telling. 🎅

TheBookAddict I couldn‘t pass up the sale either. I just wish I had more money to spend 😆 😂. I was also good and bought some books for my #ssgpbuddy. 7y
jpmcwisemorgan I accidentally took advantage of the sale too. I had a previous order from them for my Secret Santa match and one of the books came without it‘s dust jacket. It wasn‘t listed that way so I‘m disappointed. Maybe I‘ll keep it for myself?! So maybe not as disappointed... 7y
kamoorephoto Yay! #JacksonGalaxy purchase! 7y
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Sense & Sensibility | Joanna Trollope
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I wasn‘t going to look, but I did.... and I succumbed... I just have no will power! 15 books later...... 🤦‍♀️

MaleficentBookDragon I know! The sale got me too. At least I got three for my #secretsantagoespostal book exchange. (edited) 7y
TheBookAddict Yes! Same here, we made it a point not to go out on Friday, but I had this sale at my fingertips...I also bought some books for my #ssgpbuddy. 7y
BarbaraBB I almost bought 21 🤩 books after seeing your post, but fortunately the shipping costs would be 59 (!) dollars, so then I was able to delete the whole list 😅 7y
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KarenUK @BarbaraBB 😔... shipping is free in US... 7y
BarbaraBB @KarenUK Lucky you! 7y
KarenUK @barbarabb I think my hubby wishes I‘d had to abandon my basket too! 😂 7y
BarbaraBB @KarenUK 😂😂 7y
TheLudicReader Oops, hit send before I finished...I just bought 24! 7y
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