Who doesn‘t love a good library book sale? I was there when the doors opened—and picked up 10 books for a total of $30. 🙌🏼 Even though I had to fight my way through the crowd of used book dealers. Wow! It got a bit elbow-y in there for a minute. 😳
Who doesn‘t love a good library book sale? I was there when the doors opened—and picked up 10 books for a total of $30. 🙌🏼 Even though I had to fight my way through the crowd of used book dealers. Wow! It got a bit elbow-y in there for a minute. 😳
Come on down @merelybookish I get in line at 4:30 A.M.the first day, they stop the line after a certain number get in . Books, DVDs CDs Puzzles , etc over 500k items . Next years dates.
Book sale today! 😄📚📚📚
I am both hoping to find a lot of good books and also hoping I don't find too many books. 😊
Book deal alert!!
Hey Littens! As an author and a fellow litten, I always enjoy sharing when there is a promotion available for my books on Amazon!
Right now in honor of the 4th of July, each of my books is listed at only $1.04 to own for Kindle! They will all continue to also be available in paperback and free with KU.
But why not take advantage of this awesome deal while it‘s there? Novellas are the perfect way to break up those longer reads!
This was the cancellation that was the worst! The volunteers, 80% seniors, people camp out, there is no way to social distance in “waiting to get in “line or checkout. Plus, if you are worth your salt you are crawling under tables to check boxes of books they don‘t have room for on the tables yet.( I‘m serious) and it‘s cheap! (Except rare and unusual) I get there at 4:30 A.M. on first day to be in first group allowed in.Feb. in Phoenix,Az.😩
Anyone else get this weird email from B&N? Umm, thank you I guess... 😟 I would‘ve used an email blast to tell people to wash their hands AND remind them what a great time it is to read while we stay home and offer a coupon and free shipping. But hey, what do I know?
Went a book sale yesterday and bought a few books. Upon leaving I was told that today and Monday all remaining books are FREE! This is the result. The best thing is now I can try those authors I‘ve never read. I even promised a booktuber I would try a couple romance novels and maybe adjust my attitude towards them. 😇
Are there two words more beautiful in combination than “book” and “sale”? 🥰
(OK. Maybe “free cake.”)
So there was that sale, at #bookoutlet, a few weeks back and they apparently needed the BIG box to hold all my purchases. 🤣🤦🏻♀️
Guilty as charged 😂😂😂 But what if you‘re missing part of a series - it might be there, so you have to check! 😉
My friend just sent this to me and I thought I‘d share! This could be so dangerous!! 😬😬😬😬
Definitely going to check this out and hopefully I don‘t go too crazy! 🤪
#barnesandnoble #booksale
....The professor of literature at Boise State was having a book sale...40yr collection ! ....😲📚
My $10 haul from the annual fill-a-bag sale at The Friends‘ Warehouse 📖📚25 BOOKS IN TOTAL 🤗🤓 I‘ve read a few of these. Have you read any of these?
#bookhaul #friendswarehouse #booksale #fiction #travel
Did any of you get to the VNSA #booksale in #Phoenix today? I want to live vicariously through your #bookhaul photos! #homesickforbooksales #vnsabooksale
VNSA book sale line at 5:00 a.m. Opens at 8:00 a.m.
Kindle is having a book sale for today only! I totally snapped up this brand new translation of the Odyssey everyone has been raving about!
Still on vacation, still 1-clicking.
Has anyone else gone to #BookOutlet to enjoy their #booksale? I sure did and got $45 off of my purchase!!! 😁😅 so much for that book buying ban, oh well, better luck next year I guess. Once my books get to me I‘ll show you all the results of my #bookhaul. I can‘t wait!
This is the damage of #blackfridayshopping. It wasn‘t too bad, especially since some of these are for my #ssgpbuddy. I can‘t wait for them to get here so I can wrap the gifts and place the rest on my shelves. Yay, books!!! #secretsantagoespostal #wintersolsticebookexchange #bookoutlet #bookhaul #thriftbooks #booksale
It's hard to see in the picture, but these are my nine bags from my library book sale. Ninety percent of them are for my Little Free Library, but I definitely found a few for myself. So much fun!
My #plans for Saturday including reading as much as I can around the #break of our library book sale. It's a shame they had to fall on the same day, but I guess that makes it an even more bookish day! #30daysofreadathon