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I think I'm the last person to read this, and honestly it's because I loathe the cover so much. But thanks to some book challenge prompts, I had to read it!

I'm not sure if I enjoyed it because my family is Italian and I could imagine this being my mom's life if her grandparents had made different decisions, but I get the hype now. Plus, it oozes Napolitano realness!

#pop18 #bookwithanuglycover #readharder #bookwithacoveryouhate @bookriot

BarbaraBB I hope you‘ll read the second instalment. It gets better with every book! 💕 6y
ferskner @BarbaraBB I absolutely will! And one of my goals this year is to finish the series I start. 😂 6y
LeeRHarry I have it on my Litsy A to Z list for this year - so you‘re not the last person 😏 I want to watch the TV series afterwards 😊 6y
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emilyhaldi Lol, I‘ve been meaning to read it too but the cover definitely deters me 😆 who was in charge of that?! Ugh. 6y
ferskner @LeeRHarry me too! Nothing like a movie coming out to make me more interested in a book. 😋 @emilyhaldi Right?? And the publisher's covers are all bad. I actually know someone who works with them (not for them) and I hear they're moving toward some better design. 6y
Oracle everyone loathes the cover. too funny 6y
Oracle like wine labels - it matters! 6y
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When Salinger saw this seductive pulp cover on his book (based on one of the short stories in this collection), he blew his top. Especially since his character Esme was a 7-year-old girl! From then on, rumor has it that J.D. added a mandatory clause in every publishing contract: nothing but a text title and his name could be on the cover-front or back-of any of his books. And absolutely no images. Who knew!

LeahBergen That‘s cool! 6y
BarbaraJean So interesting! I‘d noticed that his books always have text-only covers—had no idea it was an author mandate! 6y
SleepyDragon That is one mature looking 7 year old! 6y
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youneverarrived Interesting! Never knew this. I like his minimalistic covers. 6y
UwannaPublishme @LeahBergen @BarbaraJean @youneverarrived I guess this happened in the ‘50s. This book was also titled “Nine Stories.” Nice to finally have the minimalist mystery solved. 😊👍🏻 6y
UwannaPublishme @NeesyBeth 😂👍🏻 I also heard there was an earlier version more seductive than this one! Oh my! 6y
kspenmoll Received a lovely surprise package this week! How thoughtful & generous! Shall I wait for Christmas Day to open? You are too kind!😘❤️ 6y
UwannaPublishme @kspenmoll Yay! It arrived! Feel free to open it whenever you need a little Christmas cheer. Enjoy! Holiday hugs to you! 🤗🎄❤️ 6y
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