Day 8 - #Top20Series #20Days20Series
#DuncanKincaidGemmaJames #DeborahCrombie
I‘ve read 8 of these but need to get back to this series. Excellent writer, interesting characters.
Day 8 - #Top20Series #20Days20Series
#DuncanKincaidGemmaJames #DeborahCrombie
I‘ve read 8 of these but need to get back to this series. Excellent writer, interesting characters.
Day 16 - #Feast #MagicalMay
#ABitterFeast #DeborahCrombie
This series is one of my favorites that I need to get back to!
Day 20 - #KissOnTheCover #AcrossApril
#KissedASadGoodbye #DeborahCrombie
The Duncan Kincaid/Gemma James series is one of my favorite series. Must get back to it!
I AM SO EXCITED!!! I literally just squealed for joy when this got delivered. I was supposed to get an #ARC weeks ago, but there was a mix-up, and when the publicist touched base yesterday and found out I didn't have it, she overnighted one to me. 😍😍😍😍 #bookmail #deborahcrombie