I've always #DreamAbout going to Australia! I'm a book lover an an animal person so it has been my lifelong dream to see kangaroos and koalas! I even bought an Australian guide book! @MinDea hope you pick me!
I've always #DreamAbout going to Australia! I'm a book lover an an animal person so it has been my lifelong dream to see kangaroos and koalas! I even bought an Australian guide book! @MinDea hope you pick me!
@MinDea, a long, very long trip through Scotland is one of my dreams. I would love to have time to explore the country beyond the tourist attractions.
#caravalgiveaway #dreamabout
PS: you are a truly generous Litten
@MinDea , thank you for this generous #Caravalgiveaway! I #DreamAbout going on the Star Trek cruise to Alaska.
I'm going to go real cheesy on this. I #dreamabout getting to see my boyfriend of 1.75 years again soon. 😍 We've been long distance (minimum 550 miles, currently 4,500 miles) for all but the first month of our relationship, flying to see each other every 3 or 4 months. I haven't seen him since July, but hopefully I'll see him again in February! ❤️ #caravalgiveaway @MinDea
Another awesome Litten decided to #PayItForward with a great #Giveaway!!!! I'm just blown away by all the generosity I see here. 🤗
I #DreamAbout the world! Living in a small town all my life, I've always wanted to see more!! Someday....maybe when the kids are grown. 😊
I #dreamabout my father's laugh. It is so hearty, warm and genuine. It makes me want to treasure every day I have with him. #caravalgiveaway
#DreamAbout @MinDea Thankyou so much @MinDea for being so kind with your #CaravalGiveaway My husband & I are going to Vienna in about 2 weeks. I‘ve never been & I‘m very excited 🎉💕So I am #dreaming of Vienna these days 💫
@MinDea is doing a #giveaway
I #DreamAbout crazy things usually, lots of stairs I can‘t get down or not running fast enough. Anxiety even in my dreams. 😂
My favorite dreams are when I‘m alone and in a cozy house just peacefully living. Where can I find this house? #CaravalGiveaway #Payitforward
Possible #odetosleep 🤔 #tuneintonovember
I‘ve been wanting to read this, but my local library doesn‘t have a copy.
I #DreamAbout a lot of things. I most enjoy my flying dreams or my more abstract ones. I once had a dream about a blue triangle floating through this technicolor 2D world. My worst dreams are my anxiety dreams about being back in high school.
Shoutout to @MinDea for the #giveaway of this book.
If you don‘t follow you definitely should. 😊
The amazing @MinDea is generously hosting a #giveaway 🚨 🚨 🚨 use the hashtag and let her know what you #DreamAbout ‼️Sometimes when I sleep I #DreamAbout family members & friends who are no longer physically here but I VERY MUCH feel their presence 😇😇😇I‘ve had some wonderful conversations with them, I swear🙏🏻I‘m so grateful when these moments occur #OdeToSleep #TuneIntoNovember #caravalGiveaway