#fields #poetry
The wonderful Seamus Heaney.
Missed last few nights of poems as I‘ve been too tired to look when I‘ve got home 😔 still enjoyed everyone else‘s!
#fields #poetry
The wonderful Seamus Heaney.
Missed last few nights of poems as I‘ve been too tired to look when I‘ve got home 😔 still enjoyed everyone else‘s!
movie theater time, going to see Maze Runner Deathcure #mazerunner #mazerunner3 #mazerunnermovie #mazerunnerseries #mazerunnerdeathcure #deathcure #movietime #movie #movie #cinematic #cinema? #movieticket #movietheater #movietheathertime #fields #nfb #nfbfields #biograf #mazerunnerdødskuren #dødskuren
has today been to the cinema with my brother and his fiancee to see Fantastic Beasts and Where to find Them #biograftur #fantasticbeastsandwheretofindthem #fantasticbeastsmovie #nfbio #nfbfields #biograf #cinema #movienight #movie #film #filmaften #jkrowling #fantastiskeskabningeroghvordefindes #fields #nfbiofields #moviewithmybrother
At the cinema to see Girl on the train. #cinema #kino #biograf #movie #film #watchamovie #atthecinema #ibiografen #kvindenitoget #girlonthetrain #paulahawkins #fields #nfbfields #lovedthebook #lovemovies #elskedebogen #elskerfilm