You probably knew where dandelions got their name. But did you know that their puff is called a clock? #weirdwords I should have waited to post this in #weirdwordwednesday
You probably knew where dandelions got their name. But did you know that their puff is called a clock? #weirdwords I should have waited to post this in #weirdwordwednesday
71/150 Part II of the Thy Kingdom Come storyline. While I enjoyed the whole Gog plotline, my favorite part was Power Girl back on Earth-2, meeting Justice Society Infinity (a merger of the JSA and Infinity Inc), and seeing these characters drawn again by Jerry Ordway. 4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
71st book finished for #Readaway2024 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES @Andrew65
70/150 The Justice Society of America has always been one of my favorite teams, and even though I haven't kept up with their adventures lately, this was easy to follow and did a good job of introducing new characters. As a sequel to the Kingdom Come miniseries, the Superman from a dystopian future comes to the current DC continuum and joins up with the JSA. He hopes to prevent the future he came from, but it might already be too late. 4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
It‘s a Sunday afternoon comics, tea, & biscuits situation over here. I‘m having a lot of fun with JLA: YEAR ONE. It‘s a great look at what happens between the team‘s big adventures, and I get a huge kick out of spotting characters I know from other DC comics and/or the various TV shows. (In the main, I believe Marvel‘s got way better movies and DC‘s got way better TV shows. I can‘t say I‘ve watched ‘em ALL, but I‘ve watched a lot.)
All around, this story is absolutely brilliant! It‘s such an interesting story for The Flash and I‘ve enjoyed the interpretations this story has had over the years. I simply wish it was a bit longer to flesh out his part in the story some more, but still, absolutely wonderful with some BEAUTIFUL art!
Feeling inspired by all of the voices, advice, and stories collected here. Ready to get back into writing flash fiction.
4 🌟
Birds are going crazy. Batman, the Flash, and other DC characters have to save the day. Which dastardly DC character could be at fault? This was a fun book, and not a bad easy reader for one with popular characters.
#BBRC #ER #Popularcharacter
I really enjoyed the book. I wanted a good, quick, gangsta book with interesting female characters and I got it.
I liked this one. Set in the 1970s, three Irish mob wives take over their husbands‘ jobs after they are locked up. As with most mob stories, there is quite a bit of violence. I‘m not 100% sure how I feel about the ending. I have the movie on hold at my library. #graphicnovel2019
Read in November.
Lots of mob violence and each character has a potentially interesting storyline, but each time the story starts to develop any depth, it just turns into an excuse to whack one more character.