We absolutely love Good Eats the show, but I don‘t enjoy the books as much. These were just ok.
I also like photos of the food in books 😆
We absolutely love Good Eats the show, but I don‘t enjoy the books as much. These were just ok.
I also like photos of the food in books 😆
30 book recommendations in 30 days...
Day 5: This one is for those coffee and chocolate lovers out there. Not just all doom and gloom, and super interesting. #30recsin30days
Very intersting
This was a 🍅🍅🍅🍅 non fiction read about how our palate has been changed to readily eat chemically flavored food and about how our food (animal and vegetable) have had the taste bred out of them for low cost high yield reasons. Flavor is tied to emotions, and eating is emotional. We are programmed to look for the most flavor, and unfortunately, that is tied to processed food. Some scientists are trying to reverse this, but have an uphill battle
This is our second time making yogurt from this #cookcook and, of course, tastes amazing! Best homemade yogurt I've ever made! And, we made it from powdered milk, so that's really saying something! Next up will be homemade mustard!
#diy #cooking #homemaking #homemadeyogurt
This was so interesting. And so sad. It makes me want to go back in time to taste all the flavours that used to come (naturally) with food (without having to add fake flavours, sauces, spices, etc). A few people here and there are trying to bring back some of the original strains for some of the foods (chicken, tomatoes), cont in comments...
I have a little video talking about this cookbook: The Flavor Equation by Nik Sharma:
Some folks notice a strange, rancid, “fishy” taste after the canola oil is heated, which is probably due to the breakdown of unsaturated fatty acids during heating.
[🙋♀️ I‘m one of those people who finds canola oil unpleasantly fishy. Are you?]
Scientists have gathered data that identifies potential taste receptors for fat as well as mechanisms to explain how fat might be the sixth primary taste, called oleogustus.