Clever mouse. 😏 I can definitely see why it's a classic. I'm a sucker for a rhyming tale with good illustrations, especially when the protagonist succeeds by outwitting those who thought they had the upper hand.
Clever mouse. 😏 I can definitely see why it's a classic. I'm a sucker for a rhyming tale with good illustrations, especially when the protagonist succeeds by outwitting those who thought they had the upper hand.
I love this story line. It is an inspirational story line about the effects of one small thing and the big outcomes it‘ll lead to.
This book could be really good lesson in the beginning of the year to help students learn the importance of making new friends and keeping friends.
A breathtaking blend of science and imagination, this book takes readers on a journey through the majestic world of redwood trees. Jason Chin seamlessly combines facts with captivating illustrations that bring the ancient forests to life.
“In this book, I‘ll show you how to explore and investigate things in the forest. But when you do this, you should always take an adult with you. And you should never put anything from the forest in your mouth unless an adult can identify what it is, as some plants can be poisonous.”
Students will explore the fascinating world of trees and forests using Can You Hear the Trees Talking? Discovering the Hidden Life of the Forest by Peter Wohlleben. The lesson will include discussions about the importance of trees in our communities and how they impact our well-being. Students will also participate in hands-on outdoor activities to observe local trees and their surroundings.
In Can You Hear the Trees Talking? (2020), Peter Wohlleben invites young readers to explore the enchanting world of forests. This interactive book is filled with outdoor activities, quizzes, and fascinating facts about trees and their intricate communication systems. Wohlleben reveals how trees care for their families and share information through the “wood wide web.“ The book features engaging illustrations that enhance the learning experience.