#quotsyoct19 Day 17: #gaudy
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that‘s best of #dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellow‘d to that tender light
Which heaven to #gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless #grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o‘er her face;
Where thoughts serenely #sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.
contd ⬇️
On the last day of June, Donna Trenton came back from downtown Castle Rock (the locals called it “downstreet,” but at least she hadn't picked up that particular Maine-ism yet), where she had dropped Tad off at his afternoon daycamp & picked up a few groceries at the Agway Market.She was hot and tired, & the sight of Steve Kemp's battered Ford Econoline van with the #gaudy desert murals painted on the sides suddenly turned her furious. #QuotsyOct19
"The ox longs for the gaudy trappings of the horse; the lazy pack-horse would fain plough." - Horace
#QuotsyOct19 #gaudy