@Sace Congratulations on your milestone! I might be too late for #giveawaykerfuffle but the word bozo makes me laugh, I can hardly say it without peeing my pants😂 🤡
@Sace Congratulations on your milestone! I might be too late for #giveawaykerfuffle but the word bozo makes me laugh, I can hardly say it without peeing my pants😂 🤡
@RestlessFickleBookHoarder I hope I‘m not to late to enter your #giveawaykerfuffle
Cockamamie makes me laugh whenever it comes up! Can you imagine a teacher using this in a room of middle schoolers? Congrats on passing 90K!
As a therapist who works with the criminal justice population some days I just need to use this word! Thanks for the opportunity @RestlessFickleBookHoarder
Congrats on the milestone @RestlessFickleBookHoarder & what a fun & unique giveaway concept! Like most readers I have a fondness for unusual words & brouhaha has been a personal favorite for years. It always brings me immense pleasure when I have successfully snuck it into a conversation. #giveawaykerfuffle
Thanks @RestlessFickleBookHoarder for the chance to win in your #giveawaykerfuffle! Congratulations on the milestone! 🎉 I love the word lollygag, because I think it is such a great description for aimless meandering. 😂
Congratulations on your milestone @RestlessFickleBookHoarder! Thanks for hosting this #giveawaykerfuffle! 😂
Do meme words count? Because I love this word and it always makes me smile. It also made me ridiculously happy when I started watching the Overwatch League with my boyfriend and discovered that “boop” is an actual term used by the casters (in a serious manner). I laughed... a lot. I still do. 😂
#GiveawayKerfuffle Congrats on your Litfluence @RestlessFickleBookHoarder
As a born and bred Philly girl I think I have a pretty finely tuned BS detector. And I‘m not shy about calling it like I see it. And I‘m also not shy about giggling every time I hear someone (cough Joe Biden cough) say, “Oh that‘s a bunch of malarkey!” Personally I would just say, “Oh that‘s a load of bullshit!” but do you, Joe. 👍🏼
Congratulations on your big milestone, @RestlessFickleBookHoarder !! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 And what a fun idea for a giveaway. I don‘t know what it is about this word but I‘ve always had a strange fondness for it. 😆
Congratulations to @RestlessFickleBookHoarder on your milestone! Thanks for the opportunity to enter your #giveawaykerfuffle. Here‘s my entry: “flummadiddle.” It was a close race with “codswallop.”