Another reread while I wait for new books to come in!! I remember really liking this book- but I‘m nervous it‘s not gonna live up to my memory 😬
#goaskalice #reread
Another reread while I wait for new books to come in!! I remember really liking this book- but I‘m nervous it‘s not gonna live up to my memory 😬
#goaskalice #reread
After more then 10 years, it came back home!
I had borrow it to a friend of mine long time ago, now it finally came back to me!
I want to re-read this one ❤
#goaskalice #addiction #drugs #diary
I was told by many to read this book and I‘m glad that I did. It goes through a story of a young girl who gets involved with drugs and the wrong crowd. It‘s a heartbreaking, real story that makes the reader really open their eyes to what teens deal with. I definitely recommend reading this! #goaskalice
December 18: #stockingstuffers My girls got me Alice bookmarks for Christmas! 💙🖤 #allthebooksdec #decinbooks17 #goaskalice #downtherabbithole
November 21 - #fanart - So this awesome piece of Alice in “Paperland” fan art was created by Cheong-ah Hwang. Pretty amazing stuff 😍 #lilbookishthanks #goaskalice #aliceinwonderland #downtherabbithole #caterpillar #mushroom #whoareyou
November 17: #illustrations - I am such an “original illustrations” snob. Love Tenniel‘s work in Alice. #lilbookishthanks #goaskalice #wonderland #downtherabbithole #wonderland
November 6: #funkopop -
“Alice in Wonderland
How do you get to Wonderland
Over the hill or under land
Or just behind a tree ...”
#aliceinwonderland #goaskalice #wonderland #funko #funkolover #funkoalice #bookmark #classics #downtherabbithole
10-8-17: Day 8: Books Loved as a Teen. I think I was a weird kid! Some of his subject matter is intense! #bookriot #riotgram #Bookslovedasateen #goddessthesecretlivesofmarilynmonroe #valleyofthedolls which is my mom's first addition copy!! #theneverendingstory which you can see has tape on the spine! #dancingonmygrave I was a ballet dancer #goaskalice which is from my elementary school, I never brought it back! #mermaids one of my fave movies!
Day 6: Alice in Wonderland (Mad Hatter Day) - This quote feels especially appropriate today. Dedicating today‘s photo to @BookNerd784 because she‘s the one who bought me this awesome journal! #bookishwackyholidays #octoberbookchallenge #goaskalice #wonderland #downtherabbithole #wereallmadhere #andyouknowit