A great continuation of the series!
A great continuation of the series!
It‘s been over a decade since I read this and I wanted to get back to the series so I‘m re-reading. But it‘s been even longer since I re-read the 1st 2 books so I‘m a little lost at the beginning (why Karigan is sad and angry for example). I‘m sure it‘ll come back to me as I go along.
Kristen Britain brilliantly builds up the depth of evil with each book. And as the desperation of the riders grows, the intensity surrounding their fate will pull readers into the narrative and refuse to let go.
Review https://www.behindthepages.org/post/first-rider-s-call-by-kristan-britain-book-r...
1. No can‘t say I have. I‘ve added books to the TBR on GoodReads right away.
2. The tagged book. I‘ll be listening to it sometime soon this year.
Tagging anyone who wants to play!
1. To a degree yes the cover did portray the book content accurately. The only thing is Lhian did not have all those robes on in the moon dial room.
2. No. It‘s the fifth book in a series I love, so it was a no brainer to continue on and read it!
Oh, Firebrand. Why did she write you? Arguably the weirdest of all in the series so far. Why would Karigan be sent out when she is barely healed? Wtf is an ice elemental doing here? The one bright spot is Enver— I love him and want him to be so happy. Zachary is on my last nerve. My guy, you have children on the way, what are you thinking?? Disappointed a little bit in Karigan too, but 90% is on our boy Zach. 7.5/10
It‘s just a Green Rider kind of week!
I started BOOK FIVE. Already it‘s interesting, because the looking mask has taken us forward in time. I‘ll keep listening to the #audiobook to find out what adventures Karigan gets herself into.
My photo book inspired by the text of First Rider‘s Call arrived in the post today😍 so pretty!!!
And the score, by Kristina A Bishoff, inspired by the text will also be released soon via Bandcamp.
The weirdest of the whole series, by far, but I love Cade, so it was worth it. There‘s some time travel sh*t to the Industrial Revolution era, Karigan gets a new beau, and then, surprise, she time travels some more. 7/10
(Read in January of this year but forgot to post 🙃)