“Lucinda avoided the devotion, but she wrote in her diary everything that she could be thankful for, and there was much.”
I have been thinking of a Gratitude Journal as a contemporary idea. #ChildrensClassicRead2023
“Lucinda avoided the devotion, but she wrote in her diary everything that she could be thankful for, and there was much.”
I have been thinking of a Gratitude Journal as a contemporary idea. #ChildrensClassicRead2023
Kinda of reminds of what happened during the French Revolution, in which the revolutionaries started a new calendar system, which was to be more scientific and rational. https://www.britannica.com/science/French-republican-calendar #historyrepeatsitself
Yes, America, we DO need to learn the history of more than the “great men” of our own country.
#whyhistorymatters #historyrepeatsitself #fascism #fascismawarning #madeleinealbright
I don‘t know if this is historically accurate or not, but my gut tells me it is, because people have always wanted to tell other people how to live their lives. #somethingsneverchange #historyrepeatsitself #sarahwoodbury #theworthysoldier
So unfortunately true. #truth #historyrepeatsitself #glorytotheguild
" I believe that the whole United States is mourning with me and if the death of my son can mean something to the other unfortunate people all over the world, then for him to have died a hero would mean more to me than for him to just have died." Mamie Till Mosley, 1955 #58yearsapart #historyrepeatsitself #stolenchildhoods
ummm, what? the? f*** Napoleon?? #noweakbrainhere #whatawanker #historyrepeatsitself #youinvadedrussiainthewinter