My wife and I have been slowly reading this with our two youngest kids for a while now.
#UniteAgainstBookBans and #LetUtahRead
My wife and I have been slowly reading this with our two youngest kids for a while now.
#UniteAgainstBookBans and #LetUtahRead
#bookspinbingo @thearomaofbooks
So I think this was a very well written book for our times. It is “marketed“ towards 10 years olds, and I don't feel like it is appropriate for this age group. Marketing it towards High School students seems much more appropriate.
There are some very graphic and detailed ideas about very adult topics.
In KC area it was challenged by a a group of people wanted to remove it from a public library
Who loves to read banned books?
Recently this book has been controversy around Kansas CIty. The public library has it in the kids section and I checked it out from the library to see what it was all about.
What are your favorite Banned Books you have read?
This author had a thesis that campus life is built around frats and house parties and hookups. My university was included and while I certainly knew some kappas who spent every weekend at shooters looking for Lax players, there were a lot of other people like me who had tight friend groups not based around the Greek system. I feel this book was very one-dimensional and lumped all students and campuses under one non-existent umbrella. ⬇️
This book was a great example of nonfiction, however, I would really think about using it depending on the age of my classroom. The images extended the text but were a bit much at times where it may make younger kids laugh or feel uncomfortable. The text is clear and easy to follow, and the subject was definitely clearly covered, which makes it great nonfiction but just mind the age group.
While I thought that this book was a great resource for the topic, I would not use this in a super young classroom because they may not fully grasp it, make think it is funny, and some content is just a little too inappropriate for the age group.
“Having a crush on someone is perfectly normal“