Good night 🌙✨🤩😍❤️ #ilcavalieredinverno #nowreading
Ebook now reading ❣️#ilcavalieredinverno #paullinasimons
Ogni tanto lo rivedo sullo scaffale e ho voglia di rileggerlo! 😍
Un romanzo di cui mi sono innamorata e che mi ha conquistato in un modo che non avrei creduto possibile. Un amore molto forte con sfondo la guerra e le sue crudeltà.
Straordinario è dir poco! 💙
#IlCavaliereDInverno #thebronzehorseman #PaullinaSimons #romanzo #daleggere #reading #leggere #leggo #libro #book #loveread #amorelibri #bookblog #bookblogger #blogger #viaggiatricepigra
The power you have over someone who loves you is greater than any other power you'll ever have.
— Paullina Simons, The Summer Garden (The Bronze Horseman, #3)
My heart is broken right now. Please if you have read this book, I need your help 💔💔
#book #thebronzehorseman #thesummergarden #love #endlesslove #quote #booklover #bibliophile #bookish #reading #readers #libri #libridaleggere #ilcavalieredinverno #paullinasimons
I've just started reading this book and I'm already in tears. Thank you Paullina Simons for these feels. This series is magical, go read it!! #paullinasimons #thebronzehorseman #ilcavalieredinverno #libri #book #booklover #bibliophile #reading #tatiana&alexander #thesummergarden #ilgiardinodestate #love #picoftheday
The Bronze Horseman of Paullina Simons
I love this book and I love this writer. The story of Tatia and Shura is incredible I don't have words for describe this book❤