Love #themarkedmen series by #jaycrownover I‘ve slowly relished these books over the last couple of years, and I‘m finally ready to finish the series and begin the spin off.
Love #themarkedmen series by #jaycrownover I‘ve slowly relished these books over the last couple of years, and I‘m finally ready to finish the series and begin the spin off.
I wouldn't mind having Rule or Rome or Hella Nash as mine lol #BeMine #JayCrownover #MarkedMen #NewAdult #BookLover #BookishBabe
"After everything the past has tried to bury us under, we owe it to ourselves to be brave, to do more than float."
- Built by Jay Crownover
Can't wait to go to the bookstore to buy Jay Crownover's newest release Salvaged. What is your favorite new adult book?
#jaycrownover #built #saintsofdenver #saintsofdenverseries #books #bookquotes #bookcover #bookaddict #booknerd #nabooks #newadultbooks #contemporaryromance #newadult #naromance
These 1books are all so good!!! I recommend all of these series\Books!!
#kissthesky #kbritchie #fearus #bbreid #palmsouthuniversity #kandisteiner #jet #jaycrownover #tyrant #tmfrazier #theroommate #kendallryan #newadult
Jay Crownover'a newest Saints of Denver novel is out today! I cant wait to read about Wheeler and Poppy. I have a feeling that this will be her best one yet ❤
#jaycrownover #Salvaged #newrelease
This girl can do no wrong in my book. #built #jaycrownover