#TeamDrewteny 😍😍😍
It took me 10 months of off and on reading/listening, but I am finally finished with this brick of a book!! There were parts I really liked and parts I hated, but overall it was a good story, just way too long.
🌟🌟AFTER ALL🌟🌟 Karina Halle is the master when it comes to female heroines. This book was amazing! Both Emmett & Alyssa were perfect and their banter was off the charts, laugh out loud good at times. I loved this book!
The first book in my all-time favorite series is on sale right now for 99 cents on Amazon!! This book is almost 600 pages of awesome ❤❤❤ #annatodd #hardinscott #hessa
Slowly getting through this book!
I have never read a Kristen Ashley book, but my collection keeps growing! The new covers for the Colorado Mountain Series are beautiful and the books are huge (which I love 😉) #kristenashley #coloradomountainseries #bookstagram #booknerd
One of my favorite books this year! ❤❤ #sallythorne #mustread
My favorite series of all time ❤❤❤ #annatodd #after #hardinscott #hessa
Jay Crownover'a newest Saints of Denver novel is out today! I cant wait to read about Wheeler and Poppy. I have a feeling that this will be her best one yet ❤
#jaycrownover #Salvaged #newrelease