Ebook on sale today. It works for #Algeria in November (plan ahead!) for #foodandlit. I for one am looking forward to finally reading this one that‘s been on my tbr list a long time!
Ebook on sale today. It works for #Algeria in November (plan ahead!) for #foodandlit. I for one am looking forward to finally reading this one that‘s been on my tbr list a long time!
Who else buys the guidebooks to tourist attractions? I can‘t help myself when I love the visit.
These manuscripts offer a corrective to the popular perception that medieval manuscripts were all written by monks. Our imagination of the past is delineated by patriarchalism infused by prejudice. If we were wrong in imagining that all scribes were men, what else might we be wrong about?
This was an interesting read, I appreciated the translation of old English and the call numbers of the books cited.
The book provides a lot of information about manuscripts and the people who requested, paid for, made, and saved them.
4/5 stars, read for a mix of medieval history, history of the book, and an exploration of the British Manuscripts currently available
Recent acquisitions:
📖 The Lindisfarne Gospels by Janet Backhouse
📖 7 ½ Lessons About the Brain by Lisa Feldman Barrett
#fREADom #UniteAgainstBookBans #LetUtahRead
Excellently researched and put together! Wellesley makes these fascinating treasures accessible for the modern reader. I enjoyed it, but it‘s not the sort of book where when I‘m done reading I feel inspired to go buy a copy for all my friends.
Recent acquisitions:
📖 The Book of Hours by John Harthan
📖 The Arthurian Book of Days: The Greatest Legend in the World Retold Throughout the Year by Caitlin & John Matthews
#fREADom #UniteAgainstBookBans
Front and center in the window of a bookstore near our hotel in Florence. So glad I read it (the English version!) before visiting.
Vespasian became a bookmaker in Florence, Italy at a tender age and grew up to become the greatest bookseller and bookmaker at just the moment scribes and illuminators were being replaced by the printing press, a technology Vespasian refused to accept. He could find just about any book that existed in the known world for a discriminating buyer, or he could hire the best scribes and illuminators to transcribe (& translate) if need be for kings & ⬇️