A middle grade Christmas mystery. Very sweet and giving off all the holiday feels. 🎄
#BBRC #middleGradeMadeEasy
A middle grade Christmas mystery. Very sweet and giving off all the holiday feels. 🎄
#BBRC #middleGradeMadeEasy
Moving up the age brackets we come to #MiddleGradeMadeEasy
This is generally thought of a grades 3rd through 8th.
If you hadn't already noticed we are ramping up our diversity reading this year. We should all be exploring books that introduce us to new people, new cultures, and new thoughts.
@Sarahreadstoomuch #BBRC
Took me a bit to complete this section as I kept needing an N book, and it was just not happening naturally. #BBRC #AtoZ
So this means I have 2 books to finish for #BeyondDickandJane, one for #Middlegrademadeeasy and one for #Grow up. Think I can do it by Tuesday?
Just maybe....
Finally made more progress on the #BBRC and read what I consider to be a real middle grade classic: the Boxcar Children. I loved this book/series as a kid so when I saw it in the Serial Reader app I knew it would be perfect! #MGME #MiddleGradeMadeEasy
Starting Monday on a wildly imaginative note ✔️
Finishing my April #bookspin book ✔️
A fun story with great illustrations. I loved the kids‘ interjections and how the story adjusts to incorporate them. Great!
Also works for #bbrc #middlegrademadeeasy #lessthan120pages
This was a cute read and I would definitely consider reading the rest. I love NPH so I am glad he wrote this book for me to count towards #MGME written by an actor category. #BBRC #MiddleGradeMadeEasy