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Various | Magazines
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I leaned hard into library reads in June, so I only read two out of eight Real Simple issues. Maybe I can swing back and pick up a few in July? Meanwhile, I‘ve kind of lost momentum with #readordonate but I‘ll try to do at least one book. #monthlymagazineblitz

julieclair I‘m carrying over a couple of June issues into July, too. And only one #ReadOrDonate book is just fine. Progress, not perfection, right? 💪 “We inch forward” is one of my favorite phrases! 😆😘 3d
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Various | Magazines
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Hello Blitzers! It‘s time to gather up our July issues old and new for our #MonthlyMagazineBlitz. Hopefully we will all have some lazy summer days where we can just lounge around reading magazines! (A girl can dream… )

I have actually had some success this month in depleting my backlog of May & June issues. How did everyone else‘s month go?

TheBookHippie I got the backlog gone and dropped off 🎉🎉🎉🎉 books & magazines ! Phew. 4d
Roary47 I need to get back in the game here. 4d
mcctrish Summer is when I actually buy them ❤️❤️ 4d
Crinoline_Laphroaig I just shoveled them into my book closet. 😂 And speaking of shoveling, just finished a big gardening project. Weeded and mulched front flowerbeds. Hoping for more time in July. 4d
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She's Come Undone | Wally Lamb
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Books go out. Books come in.

I picked up a copy of the tagged book from the local freecycle group. It‘s a chunkster!

Meanwhile, I‘m saying sayonara to this Michener book and have started whittling away at the June Real Simple issues.

I‘m also pleased to report that I asked myspouse to go through a pile of t-shirts, and he unhauled enough to fill a tote bag.

#readordonate #monthlymagazineblitz #babysteps

HettyG One of my favorite books of all time, I have never forgotten Dolores. 💜 3w
julieclair You are doing so well! 👍 3w
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Sunbirds | Mirandi Riwoe
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I got home in time last Sunday for a walk up the hill in the gorgeous arvo sunny weather and you wouldn‘t believe it but I got these Sydney Writer‘s Festival authors at the Little Free Library and one for a future #authorofthemonth @Soubhiville I‘ve already read and disposed of the magazine #MonthlyMagazineBlitz Go me!

Texreader Score!! 1mo
AmyG Cutting for Stone is FABULOUS. 1mo
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Various | Magazines
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Time to gather up our June issues for #MonthlyMagazineBlitz ! How did everyone‘s May blitzing go? My May efforts were nonexistent, due to lots of travel and general May busyness. But I have high hopes for June!

TheBookHippie May 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣 June will be better. 1mo
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The Darkest Evening | Ann Cleeves
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May issues of Real Simple have been read! April issues have been stashed away for…later. June issues are taunting me. #monthlymagazineblitz

I‘ll be donating these two little cat/yoga books. They‘re cute, but they can delight someone else now. Likewise the tagged book. It‘s the ninth book in a series I‘m just about to start, and I‘m sure that once I get that far I‘ll be able to find it in a public library or a bookstore. #readordonate

julieclair “They can delight someone else now.” Love that! So positive. 🙂 1mo
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Various | Magazines
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Another magazine bites the dust!

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This should right up my alley, but I found it kind of dry when I first started reading it, and now the moment has passed. Off to the LFL it goes!

It wasn‘t a good month for reading magazines either, but perhaps I can catch up a little in May?

Meanwhile, I managed to acquire “only” six books at Malice Domestic. Three of them were free, and of the ones I bought only one is for me. Just don‘t ask about the swag!

#readordonate #monthlymagazineblitz

julieclair Hmmm Because Internet looks really interesting to me, too. But dry, not so much, lol! 2mo
julieclair I think only six books is perfectly fine, especially since free ones and books you‘re giving as gifts don‘t count! 😉 And swag? What swag? I don‘t see any swag. 🫣 2mo
slategreyskies Add me to the “swag? What swag?” group! I love swag! 🤣 2mo
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Susanita @julieclair @slategreyskies Let‘s just say I won‘t need a new bookmark for the rest of my life. 2mo
slategreyskies Haha! 🙋🏻‍♀️ same! 🤣 2mo
julieclair @susanita 👍👍😂 2mo
Suet624 Are you trying to get through New Yorkers? Because I have a really hard time reading books and getting through my NYers.
Susanita @Suet624 I‘m trying to get through back issues of Real Simple. New Yorkers would be a bridge too far! 2mo
Suet624 😂😂😂 2mo
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Various | Magazines
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Okay, fellow Blitzers! It‘s time to gather up all our May issues!
How did everyone do in April? Hopefully, better than I did. I just couldn‘t seem to get motivated to read them. 🙄

TheBookHippie I read NONE 👀😵‍💫🤷🏻‍♀️😅 2mo
julieclair @TheBookHippie Well, in that case, I consider myself a rock star! I read TWO! 💪😂😘 2mo
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Crinoline_Laphroaig I read one and marked a recipe but that's it 2mo
dabbe Magazines? Aren't those just to decorate coffee table books and put in the bathroom bookshelf? 😀 2mo
julieclair @dabbe 👏😂😂😂 2mo
julieclair @Crinoline_Laphroaig So glad to have company in the “not a great magazine month” club. 😘 2mo
Roary47 I‘m not doing so good 😭I‘m thinking I just need to focus on February with its two issues and then bam I‘ll feel accomplished. 😅 2mo
julieclair @Roary47 You can do it! 👍 2mo
Kristin_Reads I thought I finished and then found another one tonight. 😬 2mo
julieclair @Kristin_Reads LOL! No worries. You still have today to zip through it! 😅 2mo
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Spent this school holiday morning 🛌 with a pot of French Earl Grey ☕️ reading this mag. The teenagers were still asleep and the man of the house had gone to his office in the backyard to work after delivering me said tea. Bliss. I tried to rest up today as I am back at my 🩰 exam class for the first time tonight in over a month. Let‘s hope I can catch up quickly and my injury doesn‘t flare up again. I‘ve booked a drs appointment just in case.

thegirlwiththelibrarybag I love French Earl Grey tea! Good luck with heading back to class, and that there are no injury flares 🤞🏼 3mo
julieclair I have never tried French Earl Grey, but it sounds like something I really need to experience! 🫖 Here‘s hoping all goes well with your class. 🤞😘 1mo
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