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Various | Magazines
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I leaned hard into library reads in June, so I only read two out of eight Real Simple issues. Maybe I can swing back and pick up a few in July? Meanwhile, I‘ve kind of lost momentum with #readordonate but I‘ll try to do at least one book. #monthlymagazineblitz

julieclair I‘m carrying over a couple of June issues into July, too. And only one #ReadOrDonate book is just fine. Progress, not perfection, right? 💪 “We inch forward” is one of my favorite phrases! 😆😘 1d
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Various | Magazines
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Hello Blitzers! It‘s time to gather up our July issues old and new for our #MonthlyMagazineBlitz. Hopefully we will all have some lazy summer days where we can just lounge around reading magazines! (A girl can dream… )

I have actually had some success this month in depleting my backlog of May & June issues. How did everyone else‘s month go?

TheBookHippie I got the backlog gone and dropped off 🎉🎉🎉🎉 books & magazines ! Phew. 2d
Roary47 I need to get back in the game here. 2d
mcctrish Summer is when I actually buy them ❤️❤️ 2d
Crinoline_Laphroaig I just shoveled them into my book closet. 😂 And speaking of shoveling, just finished a big gardening project. Weeded and mulched front flowerbeds. Hoping for more time in July. 2d
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Various | Magazines
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Time to gather up our June issues for #MonthlyMagazineBlitz ! How did everyone‘s May blitzing go? My May efforts were nonexistent, due to lots of travel and general May busyness. But I have high hopes for June!

TheBookHippie May 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣 June will be better. 1mo
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Various | Magazines
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Another magazine bites the dust!

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Okay, fellow Blitzers! It‘s time to gather up all our May issues!
How did everyone do in April? Hopefully, better than I did. I just couldn‘t seem to get motivated to read them. 🙄

TheBookHippie I read NONE 👀😵‍💫🤷🏻‍♀️😅 2mo
julieclair @TheBookHippie Well, in that case, I consider myself a rock star! I read TWO! 💪😂😘 2mo
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Crinoline_Laphroaig I read one and marked a recipe but that's it 2mo
dabbe Magazines? Aren't those just to decorate coffee table books and put in the bathroom bookshelf? 😀 2mo
julieclair @dabbe 👏😂😂😂 2mo
julieclair @Crinoline_Laphroaig So glad to have company in the “not a great magazine month” club. 😘 2mo
Roary47 I‘m not doing so good 😭I‘m thinking I just need to focus on February with its two issues and then bam I‘ll feel accomplished. 😅 2mo
julieclair @Roary47 You can do it! 👍 2mo
Kristin_Reads I thought I finished and then found another one tonight. 😬 2mo
julieclair @Kristin_Reads LOL! No worries. You still have today to zip through it! 😅 2mo
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Various | Magazines
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Okay, fellow blitzers, it‘s time to round up our April issues - no matter how old they are - for our #MonthlyMagazineBlitz ! Happy Spring Reading!🌷

TheBookHippie My plan after coffee in the am!!! 3mo
Kristin_Reads Mine are ready to go! I have an upcoming trip so I can get through these on the plane! 3mo
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Various | Magazines
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Hello fellow Blitzers! How are your #MonthlyMagazineBlitz efforts going so far this month? I‘m about halfway through my pile so far, but I have a long car ride tomorrow and I‘m hoping to finish a bunch of them.
 @TheBookHippie @Roary47 @Susanita @LapReader @Kristin_Reads @Crinoline_Laphroaig

TheBookHippie Hoping this weekend!!! I‘ve fallen behind 👀 3mo
Roary47 I‘m hoping I can catch up. I only had 2 in February, but still haven‘t finished January. 🫣 3mo
julieclair @TheBookHippie I think I need to build a home in Behind… I‘m always there! 🤪 3mo
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julieclair @Roary47 I had the same thing in February… hardly any! But a ton in January and March. 3mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig Im doing pretty good. Cleared out a bunch. But I've always have some English Garden magazines I've kept for reference. Also I'm buying a lot less because I can get most on Libby from my Library. Which is great because magazine prices have gone crazy. 3mo
julieclair @Crinoline_Laphroaig I keep all my genealogy magazines for reference, too. I never thought to use Libby for magazines! Thanks for the tip! 3mo
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Various | Magazines
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Hello, fellow Blitzers! Time to gather up our March issues, no matter what year they‘re from. Happy reading!

Roary47 I‘m behind. Hoping to catch up now and when I have to do the standard tests for my students. 😊😅 4mo
julieclair @Roary47 Sounds like a good plan! 😀 4mo
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Various | Magazines
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How‘s everyone doing with their February piles? I still have a couple more issues to read (or more likely glance) through by Thursday.

Kristin_Reads I finished all my February magazines! Thanks for the encouragement. (edited) 4mo
julieclair @Kristin_Reads Hooray! Great work! 👍🎉 4mo
Susanita I‘ve finished the one February back issue and just finished the current February issue (AARP magazine). (edited) 4mo
julieclair @Susanita Good work! 😀 4mo
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Various | Magazines
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You know I have to thank you @julieclair because of this challenge I cleared out my library/office so there is no extras anymore and everything is filed from years of not getting to it (and just sitting in overwhelming piles). All to find the magazines I know were buried. Here is my January stack! I included my Girl Scout magazine since it my first cookie season. 😱 #MonthlyMagazineBlitz

julieclair Hooray! Good for you! I‘m so glad the challenge gave you a little nudge, but you‘re the one who actually stepped up and did the work. Great job! 🏆 Love the GS Cookie catalog. 😂 I think I spy a peanut butter patty on there… yum! 6mo
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Various | Magazines
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Giving some magazines a go when can‘t concentrate on a book can skim what interests me. Why not something new using Libby ! Range of ones to try interesting really. Our library uses borrow box for audio and ebooks and Libby for magazines

Bookworm04 Is it cheating to add them to read if read them cover to cover with not being books 🤔🫣 (edited) 2y
IndianBookworm I think it isn't. We just spend too much time wondering about it, don't we!? 😂 2y
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Various | Magazines
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I know I‘ve hyped this magazine before but this issue is special to me, because I wrote a piece for it! I‘ve not written much for publication so it was exciting to receive this today. I recommend this magazine for all readers…it‘s delightful.

fredthemoose Awesome! 3y
DivineDiana 👏🏻📚👏🏻 3y
Hooked_on_books That‘s so cool! 🥳 3y
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Mitch Congratulations- I love this magazine 3y
mrp27 Awesome, love this magazine! 3y
mhillis Congratulations 🎉 3y
Chelsea.Poole Awesome! Congratulations! 3y
Jas16 Congratulations. That is awesome! 3y
Reggie That‘s awesome!!! 3y
MaureenMc 👏👏 3y
The_Penniless_Author Congrats! Had never heard of this magazine before but am eager to check it out. 3y
Reviewsbylola I just read your article! Loved it and love the mag in general! Well done. 🥰 3y
Reviewsbylola Also, I hope your son is doing well. ♥️ 3y
Lissa00 @Reviewsbylola Thank you!! And he is doing well, although COVID has definitely been stressful. 3y
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This is my new favorite magazine!!

BookishMarginalia Yey! I love it too! 3y
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Various | Magazines
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I am alive honest.. just got busy busy...

Gee why can't we use anon for no book posts..

I guess I am out of the loop

Moonprismpower Oooh is your hair green???😃😃😃 3y
bullbunny @Moonprismpower It was, it washed out I need to do it again. I need a hair cut 😅 3y
Moonprismpower Now I want to dye my hair again. Have fun choosing colors! 😃👍 3y
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Various | Magazines
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I love magazines but I rarely read them anymore. I recently found these bookish ones at Barnes & Noble that I‘m looking forward too. It‘s been good timing for magazines as I know I won‘t be reading much these next two months because life has once again decided to throw me a major plot twist.

BookishMarginalia I love #OhReader magazine! 3y
DivineDiana These look interesting! I hope all is well. ❤️ 3y
mrp27 @DivineDiana Thanks! In the grand scheme of things, all is truly well. Just another unplanned/unwanted move. It‘ll be my second move in the last year and a half and I hate moving! 3y
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Bookwormjillk Good luck with your move! 3y
DivineDiana I like your positive attitude! Who knows what wonders are around the corner! 3y
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Various | Magazines
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Two of my favourite things this Christmas: a great new artisan mug and a new-to-me magazine (this is only the second ever issue). Anyone else ever heard of it?

marleed I‘ve not - looks fascinating! 4y
tracey38 I haven't either, but looks interesting. 4y
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Various | Magazines
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Enjoyed all the bits of information I got from this, especially the ice cream YUM but it was interesting reading it right after the Stopping Pandemics issue since many of the topics overlapped. It's interesting what things aren't mentioned in this one, such as the women of color and where they were left with the new 19th amendment, which I felt the other #magazine covered more thoroughly #nationalgeographic #nonfiction

#awesomeaugust @andrew65

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 4y
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Various | Magazines
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Someone asked if I read all the #magazines at work, I pick up the ones that look interesting which to me are usually #nationalgeographic titles 😊 This is a #history one, it's interesting, if it wasn't for these women, I would be able to vote and yet I (embarrassingly) know nothing about this history 🙃🙃 #nonfiction

#awesomeaugust @andrew65

Andrew65 Such heroines! 4y
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Various | Magazines
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This is the #magazine with the epidemics graph, I actually enjoyed it. It took me a little longer than I thought to go through it, I'm debating buying it for my bujo but not sure 🤔🤔 #nonfiction #articles #nationalgeographic #covidinspired #pandemics

Various | Magazines
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Remember I had a goal to read more articles this year? Yeah me neither 😂 Decided to finally pick up some magazines after burning through novels and I found this graph really interesting, hadn't realized that epidemics were so prevalent 😮😮 (even though it makes sense, I just never thought of it). tbh I'm curious to learn more! #nationalgeographic #magazine #covidinspired

Various | Magazines
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Article 2 of 2020: HECK YEAH NO MORE PENALTY 😂😂😂 #time #taxseason

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1st article of 2020: I hadn't realized the virus wasn't "new". Working at the airport, my family has been worried but I've just upped my precautions, washing my hands more frequently, and especially after I interact with someone who seems sick. Hopefully things get better!

"...quickly identified the pathogen as a coronavirus related to the virus that caused the...SARS outbreak...in 2002" #time

Deifio We now have 4 infected people in Bavaria and it's always on the news! Don't know if it's the first people in the whole of Germany though... 4y
coffees @Deifio oh no! I was worried that screening wouldn't be good about catching people with the virus, I mean, how long is it just sitting in your system before you develop symptoms?? Take care 🙏🙏 4y
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Various | Magazines
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So this is a magazine I bought from #Califlair, an fanart artist I found a couple years ago when I was in the #OwarinoSeraph #fandom and now she's made this #magazine with original work!! And it's BEAUTIFUL. It also features other #artists and some #writers and has art #tutorials 😸😸😸

Check out her store: http://califlair.tictail.com
Or find her on twitter, instagram, and tumblr as Califlair