Decided to start from the beginning and read all of his books in chronological order. Finished my reread of Carrie yesterday. Not one of his best works but still a really good read. I give it 4 ⭐️.
#MostRecentlyRead #StephenKing17
@Josie @Gayan
Decided to start from the beginning and read all of his books in chronological order. Finished my reread of Carrie yesterday. Not one of his best works but still a really good read. I give it 4 ⭐️.
#MostRecentlyRead #StephenKing17
@Josie @Gayan
#stephenking17 #mostrecentlyread I loved this! Stephen King's the master at developing characters, and so many of them in one book too.
#stephenking17 #mostrecentlyread
I loved this hard-boiled detective series that had just enough of a dash of the supernatural to make it a unique King story. I'm glad when authors bring things to an end - not every story should go on and on. But if King found a way to bring some of these characters into future works, I wouldn't complain 😉
My #mostrecentlyread is The Dead Zone and at this particular time in American History thus might be Kings most terrifying novel. #stephenking17
My #mostrecentlyread King is actually one I'm currently reading. Terrifying but fantastic. #stephenking17
#StephenKing17 #day19 #MostRecentlyRead I think the last i read of Stephen King was one of his short stories for The New Yorker about his car accident named On Impact or what im currently reading that is Salems Lot.
@Josie @Gayan
#stephenking17 Day 19 I reread Misery in February and it was even better than I remembered. #mostrecentlyread
My #MostRecentlyRead King book was last summer's End of Watch. This book was the final installment of his Bill Hodges trilogy. The series was an "out of the box" genre choice (if there is such a thing for King), as it was more mainstream crime fiction than his usual fare. However, of the three books, this felt the most King-ish. I'll leave it at that due to spoilers. ?#stephenking17 #day19