I'm on my third month of reading to two UTK classes, and it's turning into a highlight of my week. The (mostly) unfiltered energy and enthusiasm and wonder is a balm to me. And I think they like my visits, too. :-)
I'm on my third month of reading to two UTK classes, and it's turning into a highlight of my week. The (mostly) unfiltered energy and enthusiasm and wonder is a balm to me. And I think they like my visits, too. :-)
“You are right!! I never want to miss a chance to dance!”
This would be a great book to read to children to make them laugh and get in a goofy mood. Also encourages children to show off their own moves which could be a good “brain break” in the classroom.
I love that this book includes a fun dance routine at the end for children to showcase their own dance moves. This was a cute and catchy book and shared a great message on being yourself. Super fun read for young children!
Book read to Henry - I‘m aiming to read books to him until he can read books himself.
#Wardens2024 #ReadAway2024 #BookSpinBingo
Should‘ve read the blurb on this one. Slow and long winded intro. Didn‘t get to the heart of the matter fast enough to keep me even moderately interested imo.
You need garbage to make compost.
The point is not your pain but your relationship to it. You can get attached to it to the point where you think it is you and allow it to define your whole life, or you can think it‘s special and you deserve extra points, or your self-esteem can be so low you think you deserve it. The problem is the attachment.
The body feels separate from the heart, the heart from the mind, and the mind from the body. Indeed, you often think one thing, feel another, and do a third, living in a state of perpetual contradiction. No wonder we‘re confused; no wonder we‘re in pain.