I haven't read this one, but I enjoyed the movie. Who wouldn't? It's Audrey Hepburn. #NewYorkMinute #RockInMay
I haven't read this one, but I enjoyed the movie. Who wouldn't? It's Audrey Hepburn. #NewYorkMinute #RockInMay
Even though this book has nothing to do with New York, it came to mind for #NewYorkMinute because the romance develops so quickly, leading to some drastic changes in Emily's life—it's a delight to read, full of art and Italian food, and one of my favorites from last year. #RockinMay
#newyorkminute #rockinmay
Again im out of sink but ill think about updating later.
Anyway Lincoln rhyme is great character based in new York, im up to book 10 in the series but tend to leave a gap between reading. Usually those new York minutes are ticking down as he tries to solve the mystery.
#rockinmay #newyorkminute On the TBR, this one is set in 1880 New York. Plus, how gorgeous is that cover?!
#rockinmay #newyorkminute
I love Vivian Gornick!Native New Yorker ,memoirist,feminist, essayist, I enjoy everything she writes.Odd woman so beguiling ,in that sometimes city life can be a solitary life , yet you are connected to the randomness of New York and interconnected to your fellow New Yorkers in odd ways you might not imagine.Her interests far ranging ,I wish I could meet her for coffee and see where the conversation takes us
#rockinmay day 21 - #newyorkminute
Have yet to delve into the world of japanese light novels (basically their equivalent of YA), and this series in particular is pretty pricy, but I loved the #anime so much I'm sure I'll eventually take the plunge.
Wouldn't it be fun to take Lillian Boxfish's walk around Manhattan? Great walks around Brooklyn are featured in this tagged book. I did the one that includes Truman Capote's house when our daughter lived in the neighborhood. So much literary history makes it a fun read, even if it's only a virtual tour. I'd go back in a #NewYorkMinute ! #rockinmay @Cinfhen
I'm loving all of the #newyorkminute posts today for #rockinmay. New York is my favorite setting ever. So, I just had to order this one for myself today. I hope it gets here soon! I should probably read the books that are piling up here, but I just couldn't help it! I blame Litsy and @Cinfhen for her awesome prompts! 😘
I bought this old copy of Breakfast at a local used bookshop 40 years after it was printed. I loved that bookshop and I adore this book. #newyorkminute #rockinmay