The whole Jack the Ripper case is #complicated . Everyone has a theory as to his identity. This is Cornwell's initial hypothesis and analysis (she wrote an update recently to further support her theories). #augustgrrrl
The whole Jack the Ripper case is #complicated . Everyone has a theory as to his identity. This is Cornwell's initial hypothesis and analysis (she wrote an update recently to further support her theories). #augustgrrrl
#AmazingCover of the week goes to this beauty. Wow. Sometimes I buy a #book strictly because I love the cover so much!! #FortEverglades #FrankGSlaughter #pulpfiction #coverlove #bookstagram #books #bibliophile #obsession #savage #offensive
#offensive I mean, you're welcome to like these (I wouldn't call them good), but classic? Heeeellll no.
I found myself mildly offended by Sincero's gross oversimplification of a serious mental illness here. Had to stop reading because I was tired of the inherent privilege in the advice given. #youareabadass #privilege #mentalillness #offensive #selfhelp