Anyone else find that the worst part of packing all the books is scrambling the order you keep them in for efficient box filling? 😩
Anyone else find that the worst part of packing all the books is scrambling the order you keep them in for efficient box filling? 😩
Two months since I was last here. It's been a jam-packed two months with very little reading time, so I'm still working on this behemoth. We decided to sell our house, I set to work fixing it up, we signed a contract on it this week, Loki tore his other ACL & had surgery AGAIN a month ago, just to add to the fun, & we're still house hunting for our new lair. Probably a lot of other things happened, too. 😬
Anyway, hi Littens! What did I miss?
The day after my birthday means cake for breakfast & reading a beautiful, heart-rending novella before being responsible & productive. I believe Boba Fett's post book-licking face is a great summation of the feels this one creates.
Ooh, this story. So beautiful, dangit. Only Nnedi Okorafor could make me feel so many damn things for the tentacled critter living in the Death Star's garbage.
I've really enjoyed every single story so far, which is rare. This one and "The Kloo Horn Cantina Caper" by Kelly Sue DeConnick and Matt Fraction are my faves, but I still have 11 more stories to read.
My back did a bad thing, so I've been couching and reading all day. So far, I effing love this one. As huge of a Star Wars nerd as I am, I've never actually read anything before, but too many writers I adore we're in this one for me to pass it up.
I am also very much a fan of the way the page numbers are done. 🤩✴️✨📚
I had a little time to kill and there was a Barnes & Noble and well...
Loki is really into Jeff VanderMeer's Area X trilogy, apparently. He keeps joining me when I'm trying to read it, but he does have excellent taste in books, so I guess it makes sense. Am now attempting to use him as a book rest...
I started the third book this morning. I really dig how different each of them are, in pretty much every way, and how this one is weaving in people from the first two and hopping around in time. I definitely recommend them.
As a side note, we have a big couch. These two could have (and give me and my scrunched legs) so much more room. I guess I should feel loved, but mostly I feel a cramp beginning. #dogsoflitsy
I wanted so much more out of this collection. The majority of the stories were pretty underwhelming. A lot felt like they could've used another draft or round of edits... The few good stories in it made this even more apparent. (Also, boo on the Gaiman story just being the chapter from American Gods.)
When you're so comfy in your reading spot you wait as long as you can to go pee and then you come back to find the dog who was half asleep in the other end of the couch looking all innocent and self-satisfied like this. 😒 Loki's seat thievery game is too strong.
#readingwithpets #dogsoflitsy
That's cool, Loki. I wasn't, like, reading this book or anything.
I should really be accomplishing something, but I have holiday brain, Christmas present book is good, and convalescing Loki is cute and cuddly.
😳 The what now?
Atlanta is kinda unrecognizable right now. And now that I've convinced this dog were done playing in the snow, back to being warm and reading this truly lovely book. Ahhh.
Waiting on the husband at the doctor again means I‘m finally starting this one, which the library sent days ago. Immediately smitten.
“Iliodor had the face of an angel, but the soul of a thug.” 😂🤣😂 What?
This author apparently does not believe in commas (except when he does?). It‘s driving me a little batty. Otherwise, this is really great so far.
Long time, no Litsy. 👋 Littens. This is my evening plan. What‘re y‘all up to?
I am barely into this book and already hoping this ass gets stabbed or something. He seems so great.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to finally reading this one, which is also my #LetterK for #LitsyAtoZ. I'm so behind on that...
It's no secret that I'm a huge Gaiman fangirl, so when he picked this for his Wall Street Journal book club, I promptly bought it, then didn't read it. It's a delightful speedy little read, a simple story, but with a fair bit of nonsense thrown in, and a lovely rhythm to the words. I'd have loved this as a kid, if only I'd known it existed.
The other lady waiting in this doctor's office and I have the same methods of waiting.
Starting this one, which will be my #letterP for #LitsyAtoZ. Can't remember the last time I read any steampunk other than short stories. 🤔
I haven't seen this before. Kinda love it.
I don't know why it took me so long to read this book, but I'm glad I finally did. At this point, there's not much new to say about, so I'll just be the zillionth person to say it's excellent and everyone should read it.
I loved wrestling as a kid. My dad even took me to see it once. No Andre there, but I loved him so much in the Princess Bride & everything I learned about his life seemed unreal. When this came out, I was excited to learn Box Brown would be doing an event here. I ended up unable to go & sad, but my comic shop saved me a signed copy, which has of course been buried in my TBR for years. 🙄 News of Netflix renewing Glow 🎉 has inspired me. 💪📚
Boba Fett is redefining "close read" today. So helpful. Trying to finish this #LitsyOwlPost book so I can get it in the mail! Sorry about any nose prints in it now. #dogsoflitsy
It's taken me forever to finish this, reading bits and pieces here and there to let it all sink in and simmer. He covers basically everything- stories, art, writers, artists, musicians, filmmakers, and all the other things in the back & front of life. I always love getting a peek into his head and learning a little about how he thinks and why.
I was doing a little #lunchtimereading Finished my lunch, wanted to read the next chapter, so I moved to the couch. That was two chapters ago and I've already started this one now, so... Oops.
Boba Fett presents some unique challenges for sitting in the good spot on the couch. It's all well and good until his tail starts wagging.
Anybody else having difficulty reading today?😂
#dogsofLitsy #petsofLitsy
Finally getting back to my #LitsyAtoZ attempt. I keep reading authors whose last names start with the same letters! Looking through my TBR this morning, this was one of two books that would work. Guess I'll have to get some more books soon! 😁
Giving up on today and working on the ol' Owl Post book. Nothing like the last minute. 😬 also, we adopted a new dog last week. This is Boba Fett. (The top of him, anyway.) #dogsofLitsy
I read a little more than 200 pages in bed last night. Today is the sort of day where things refuse to go well, so I said fuck it and finished this just now. It's beautiful, heartbreaking, empowering, infuriating, depressing, blunt, hopeful, and everything else I've come to expect from Gay's writing. It's a book that makes you want to hug and then force it into the hands of others. Or paws, in my case.
Husband and I are waiting for Ms. Gay! So excited to finally get to see her.
Saturday setup. At least for a little while. Enjoying this one quite a bit. We just started the last season of House of Cards last night, so I am all elections all the time. This is much better than real-life elections.
I actually made a tiny retching noise.
In other news, I am maybe out of my reading slump? Mayhaps getting out of my writing slump and general life slump will follow...
About a quarter through and so far, this one is just as good as the first one. And this is basically my plan for the next few hours. Woo!
It's been forever since I Litsy'd for some reason. Here's a Loki dog photo.
I liked this one. Urban fantasy/ detective/ crime with some noir vibes, complete with a variety of vampires. I was kind of wishing for more elaboration on the vampire lore and Aztec bits, but there is a pretty thorough glossary in the back that fleshed out the universe some. A good quick light read, though it does get violent, as a vampire/ drug gang story would.
At The in-laws' for Passover. We're currently enjoying this lovely Tennessee afternoon with some rosé and our assorted reading materials before we have to get to the cooking. This book is weird and beautiful and I'm enjoying it quite a lot. Also, it's my V for #LitsyAtoZ
Uuuumm. Husband lost his mind with the birthday book-buying, y'all. He did make excellent choices, though. Gotta give him that. But really. What the what with this stack of books?!
I'm finally getting to read this one and I'm loving it. The choice to tell one POV character's story in second person is intriguing to me. Excited to see where it's all going and read the next one. Also, I think this counts for my #LitsyAtoZ J! I've been reading a ton of authors with B, C, & S last names, so I am not doing so well there. Alas.
I finished this one up last night whilst I couldn't sleep. And... meh? I enjoyed the first one, even if the narrator can get irritating & overly dramatic (but then, he is a teenager). This one just wasn't as well-written, I don't think. It dragged in places and generally suffered from middle-book-itis--no real story of its own, just here to get us to the third book, which drives me nuts. Also drove me nuts: I kept running into atrocious grammar.
TFW when you get your friend's cookbook and you're so excited for her and so proud and also delighted for the deliciousness. It is gorgeous. Out today!
Man. These books are both inspiring and depressing to read in our current climate. But they're necessary and very well done. Full of the best of humanity and the absolute fucking worst of us. Photo includes bonus Loki, because I can't do anything on the floor without a bonus Loki, apparently. He liked the books, too. And the slipcase is so lovely. #MarchinMarch
Hey Littens, Tor posted this fantastic series of flash by some of the best ladies in the sci-fi / fantasy game. I've only had a chance to read about half so far, but they are 🏆💯. www.tor.com/series/nevertheless-she-persisted/
While I'm not exactly striking since I'm a freelancer with a sick husband, I'm not really working today and I'm certainly not shopping. I'm also not reading any menfolk. Right now, sitting in the sun with this one whilst Loki eats sticks is pretty perfect.
Man I'm glad I waited for the slipcase, so I can read all three of these at once. On to book two! I ❤️my Congressman and really like the way he's telling this story. The beginning, with the preaching to the chickens! 😆As a kid I read and told stories to all my critters, including some chickens, so I totally got him on that. #marchinmarch
Y'all. How am I 37 years old and have not read this? Anyway, now I have and eesh. Too close to the world right now for comfort. So bloody good though. It's taking all I have not to buy the second right now, but I gotta stop buying books and read some I already own for a bit. Also, maybe I should read something happy for once. Or at least lay off the dystopian books. 😂 Read this real soon if you haven't yet.
*edit: I'm 36 for another month. Help.
I've been taking this one really slowly and realized this morning I hadn't picked it up in a while. I opened it to this page, with that magnificent hair, just days after taking most of the blue out of my own hair, because I wanted less upkeep. (I still have three chunks.) But her hair has me all 😫. I am still loving this book though.
If the aliens come for me today, they have an easy target who somehow managed to f her back the f up cleaning up the yard. But, at least I'd have a lot of books, since my kindle is what's closest. 😁 #funfridayphoto @Liberty