Does a creative library display draw you in and add to your TBR?
Does a creative library display draw you in and add to your TBR?
Happy Second Day of Day Of The Dead to those who celebrate. Hope these two days have been peaceful and sweet.
Image found online.
Great understanding of the life of Steve Jobs
What a fantastic book! The book is mostly narrative, of course, but it has a thesis: That Jobs changed. The brilliant but dysfunctional human being that created Apple and the Mac, but was ejected from the company he founded, mellowed, learned and was chastised into a better person—along all the axes of “better.“ Although in no way a management advice book, still less a life-advice book, I found it usefully reflective for me personally.
The books I ordered for my nephew came in 📚
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This book is so many things that I do not usually read. A corporate memoir is not usually my style. But a friend recommended it, gave it a shot as a Pixar fan, and I enjoyed it quite a bit and found a lot to chew on.
#AudibleSale ... ok ... I can handle more sales like this!! Five days, $5 books, completely different books daily, five books were purchased and I had a $5 coupon! YESSSS! I feel like I achieved something of monumental proportions here LOL Five books, $20. I can justify that 🤪 Have you bought any good books lately? I got a B&N 20% off coupon in my e-mail at 7AM .... I‘d like to spend it ... today ... 😈
I‘m playing catch-up from yesterday — Jace is absolutely obsessed with the movie Cars, and he got so excited yesterday when I found this in the Halloween section on Disney Plus.
6 points
Overcoming the unseen forces that stand in the way of true inspiration. #edcatmull