Well that was a ride. Much less horror infused than the movie was. Glad I read it finally. Avoided it for years thinking it had to be way worse than the movie. #hotpatootie #eddie #shadowcast #rockyhorrorreadathon #rhpsreadathon
Well that was a ride. Much less horror infused than the movie was. Glad I read it finally. Avoided it for years thinking it had to be way worse than the movie. #hotpatootie #eddie #shadowcast #rockyhorrorreadathon #rhpsreadathon
I didn‘t read much yesterday, but I did watch Winchester, Pet Sematary, 2 episodes of izombie, and The Office Hallowing episodes. +206 #Scarathlon2020 #TeamHarkness #Screamathon2020 #RockyHorrorReadathon #BookishBingo #CocoTurns50 #ReadYourWayReadathon
Yesterday was my first day back at work after vacation, and I actually managed to read more hours. +771 #TeamHarkness #Scarathlon2020 #Screamathon2020 #ReadlikeHellathon #FortnightFrights #Thrilloween #Gothtober #RockyHorrorReadathon #AnUnfortunateReadathon #SpooksandTea #BookishBingo #SpookitupaNotch #CocoTurns50 #ReadYourWayReadathon
3 hours yesterday. I also watched 3 episodes of The Addams Family. +336 #TeamHarkness #Scarathlon2020 #Screamathon2020 #BookSpinBingo #OutstandingOctober #TrickorTreadathon #ReadLikeHellathon #FallReadathon #FortnightFrights #Thrilloween #Gothtober #RockyHorrorReadathon #SpooksandTea #BookishBingo #CocoTurns50
Read this. That is all. That's the review.
#rosetintmyworld #eddie #rockyhorrorreadathon #rhpsreadathon
Now this is a readathon I can get behind. I'll be using this guide throughout October though. I don't read fast enough to confine to the dates provided. #rockyhorrorreadathon #rhpsreadathon