The raw emotion felt by the Dashwood sisters in this novel always get me. Though Marianne is a theatrical soul, her fierce defense and loyalty to her sister Elinor makes me root for their happiness every time.
#snsreadalong #janeaustenreadalong
The raw emotion felt by the Dashwood sisters in this novel always get me. Though Marianne is a theatrical soul, her fierce defense and loyalty to her sister Elinor makes me root for their happiness every time.
#snsreadalong #janeaustenreadalong
It is not what we think or feel that makes us who we are. It is what we do. Or fail to do...
#senseandsensibilityreadalong #janeaustenreadalong #snsreadalong
People think Emma is annoying? She's got nothing on Marianne Dashwood!
While this is not my favorite Austen, the raw human emotions that are portrayed by Elinor and Marianne get me every time.
#snsreadalong #senseandsensibilityreadalong #janeaustenreadalong
My gorgeous Sense and Sensibility print made out of the words of the novel along with my prettiest copy of the book. I'm about 2/3 of the way through the #snsreadalong and I forgot how much I love this one.
Oh Marianne. I feel ya 💖
#snsreadalong #janeaustenreadalong
Cheesecake and Austen is a perfect combination, except the chocolate mousse got smashed in my to go box, and kind of looks like poo now.
I should finish the #snsreadalong this week. This one has always been a slow read for me.
#janeaustenreadalong #senseandsensibilityreadalong
My Friday night view
#snsreadalong #janeaustenreadalong
This book. Still as good as I remembered it. About sisters Elinor and Marianne, and their struggels to find the right husband. #snsreadalong #senseandsensibilityreadalong #janeaustenreadalong
It' s already half way through the month of May and I am half way through with Sense and Sensibility!
#snsreadalong #senseandsensibilityreadalong #janeaustenreadalong