I find cozy mysteries fascinating! I can‘t handle really scary, suspenseful mysteries, so cozy is right up my alley. I LOVE the humor - the puns are real, my friends! 😂 My friends are getting used to me halting all conversation to read a new cozy title out loud and then I laugh and laugh and laugh! Such fun!
The Chocolate Shark Shenanigans is the first cozy mystery I‘ve read and I‘m pleased to say it went well. [Review continues in comments]
What I like:
A quick read
Kept me engaged
Chocolate history and trivia peppered throughout 5y
Characters doing stupid stuff, especially when it came to police investigations (I‘m pretty sure this comes with the territory of cozy mysteries though - the amateur sleuth! 5y
Lots of names/characters: I have the memory span of a goldfish, so I admit that I had to go back a few times to try and remember who someone was or to keep names/relationships straight 5y
The villain: Scarily one dimensional and not sure how someone that evil would fit into society without people being more wary of them 5y
Overall: I‘d absolutely read more books by author JoAnna Carl. The Chocolate Shark Shenanigans ticks many of the boxes when it comes to cozy mysteries. I would have liked to hear more about the chocolate shop business. There was so much going on in the book that it sometimes felt like that job was an aside.
The cover is so fun. Great colors and illustrations - campy and cute. 5y
I didn‘t solve the mystery ahead of time, which kept the action going and there were twists and turns that held my interest all throughout. Now if you‘ll excuse me, I‘m off to buy chocolate dusted with sea salt!
#booksbrewsandbooze #thechocolatesharkshenanigans #joannacarl #cozymysteries #cozymystery
Note: My friend received this as an ARC and was kind enough to let me read it. Thank you! 5y