I believe he approves! 🎁🎄💕
#wintergames #slaybells @MidnightBookGirl
I believe he approves! 🎁🎄💕
#wintergames #slaybells @MidnightBookGirl
This book. 😆 #LitsyBuddyRead
“Raising kids was like warfare. Not in the ‘dramatic death of millions‘ kind of way, but the ‘struggle for peace‘ kind of way. Babies & little kids were like trench warfare. It was physically exhausting, psychologically draining, & there was a lot of flying mud & screaming. Shit went everywhere. Your clothes were ruined. You ate when you could, slept when you could, and got interrupted at the whim of the enemy.”
Reading this Female Superhero Who Is Suspiciously Missing A Yard Of Fabric Across Her Chest collection.
I mean, Power Girl collection. Typo. My bad.
What kind of Twilight Zone Chik-Fil-A did they go to? Chick-Fil-A doesn't have spicy fries. Has the author never been to the east coast and got Bojangles and Chik-Fil-A mixed up?
That seriously took me right out of the story. And I was really absorbed then all of sudden..."wtf do you mean you shared an order of spicy fries? Chik-Fil-A has waffle cut plain fries. They do not have spicy fries!!!" #getshitright #thisiswhywecanthavenicethings