When you have a severe case of The Mondays, Kamala is a great companion. #msmarvel #timeandagain #gwillowwilson #rainbowrowell #marvelcomics #kamalakhan #youngavengers
When you have a severe case of The Mondays, Kamala is a great companion. #msmarvel #timeandagain #gwillowwilson #rainbowrowell #marvelcomics #kamalakhan #youngavengers
Day 10 - #turnbacktime #literaryluck #timeandagain #fromtimetotime #jackfinney #thetimetravelerswife #112263 #stephenking
These are some of my favorite time-travel books:
Jack Finney wrote book 1 and book 2 about New York in the 1880‘s. Very interesting about a man who travels back. Unique picture of New York from that time.
The Time Travelers Wife is a nice romantic story.
11/22/63 is about a man who travels back to Kennedy Assassination.
Time and Again—hailed as “ THE great time-travel story” by Stephen King is my favorite. When advertising artist Si Morley is exploring time travel, he jumps at the chance to step into New York City in January 1882. His friend Kate has a letter dated from that year, and he wants to trace the mystery. When Si falls in love with a woman from the past, he will be forced to choose between two worlds. classic
#julyinbooks18 @beachbookworm7 @bookisglee