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Repost for @Jess_Franzino :
Due to #NaNoWriMo, I ended up reading only 7 books in April. The BEST way for me to catch up on my readings is through readathons where I set a goal & have others doing the same thing. So, here‘s an “Unofficial Readathon” — I would love you to join in! Just use #maymakeup & tag me in a post with your goal to join! #readathon #litsyreadathon #unofficialreadathon

(Happened to see this in time 😀)

Jess_Franzino Thanks so much for posting this! 5y
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My #personalgoal for the my #maymakeup is 20 hours. I think that‘s very doable in 4 days 😃 I‘d love for others to join me, as that‘s what keeps me focused! #readathon #litsyreadathon #unofficialreadathon

HeathHof I'll join you! My goal is 12 hours. 5y
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Due to #NaNoWriMo, I ended up reading only 7 books in April. The BEST way for me to catch up on my readings is through readathons where I set a goal & have others doing the same thing. So, here‘s an “Unofficial Readathon” (too short notice to send to send to @LitsyHappenings ), but would still love you to join in! Just use #maymakeup & tag me in a post with your goal to join! #readathon #litsyreadathon #unofficialreadathon

Clwojick This sounds like a great idea! I‘m definitely in, because I have a ton of books to get thru for week ones theme #BooktoMovie. Be on the lookout for a few more readathons this month too! There‘s #NetGalleyReadathon next weekend, and #24B4MONDAY on the last weekend of the month. ♥️ 5y
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Half-Resurrection Blues | Daniel Jos Older
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I got in about 8 hours of reading today! 5 hours of it was audiobook listening while I got a bunch of stuff done! Then I figured I‘d done enough so it was okay for me to sit down with a book!

This book is definitely getting me in the Halloween spirit! Ghosts, Underworld, Council of the Dead 💀

Now the hubbies back, so its dinner and socializing the rest of the night.

#unofficialreadathon #eighthoursofreading #perfectsaturday

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It‘s just too nice to be reading indoors all day... so I am reading outdoors! #unofficialreadathon