I think this counts as #WhenTwoWorldsCollide. The chapters alternate between a girl in the real world and the creepy novel she's writing. #Novemberland
I think this counts as #WhenTwoWorldsCollide. The chapters alternate between a girl in the real world and the creepy novel she's writing. #Novemberland
#WhenTwoWorldsCollide, magic happens! Literally! When Matt reads the runes written on a mysterious parchment he is transported from our world into one where magic works and science doesn't! He soon discovers that all the poetry he's memorized over the years works magic in this new world, making him a very powerful wizard. And very important to Alisande, a princess on a quest to save her land from a vile sorcerer! 🏰
#novemberland #wonderland #whentwoworldscollide
I'm taking this challenge as literally two different worlds colliding! Waylaid is a mash up of two different Kim Harrison series (The Hollows and Peri Reed), Kingdom Series is a fairytale world crossing with reality (in order to matchmake the 'villains' of the fairytales such as the mad hatter, the big bad wolf, and Gaston), and the Grimm Diaries cross all the fairytales together 💕
I interperted #whentwoworldscollide as examples of intertextuality in literature, hence the quote :) King's Dark Tower series heavily embeds everything he previously wrote as well as works of other authors, including poetry and children lit, that shaped him through the years. The whole premise is an allusion to Browning's poem 'Child Roland to the Dark Tower Came'.
#novemberland #day6 #whentwoworldscollide In this mindf*ck of a thriller, it's not just two worlds, it's multiple versions of our world that collides on Jason Dessen, a physics professor with a wife & son. After being abducted on the street, a masked man asks "Are you happy with your life?" before knocking him out. He wakes up strapped to a bed surrounded by strangers who seem to know him very well. And that's just the first chapters! 5?