What is happening with this book??!!??
Holy smokes! I have big love for this book. Cults, mothers, ghosts, crazy-ass characters, epic journeys...yes please. Reminded me of earlier John Irving for some reason.
What should I do on my day off? My little tourist town library is THE BEST!
Beautiful writing but it was a bit to opera-y and flowery for me...and I tried SOOOO hard to love it.
So I'm trying to think of something awesome to say when I get to meet Billy Collins tomorrow. Thinking of: I love all of your work but my favorite was your appearance on PBSs Martha Speaks -- or -- you are to poetry as cat videos are to YouTube. Too weird?! 😜 So terrifically excited!
Started reading this book on my dude ranch adventure (not finished with book yet). Both are/were kick-ass experiences!
This man's mastery of the English language is not in doubt--he can write the shit out of a sentence. However, the plot didn't have it for me. I really, really wanted to love it but I guess I like my zombie books more sparse. Sorry Mr Whitehead. I plan on loving Underground Railroad.
YA novel about cheerleading normally wouldn't be my thing but this book....I think I liked it ⁉️Main character is a strong, capable young woman but it all seemed a little to contrived. Anyone else have thoughts?
This book. Loved it. Good movie but greater book. I first read it when heading off to paddle & portage my way through the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. #notthegreatesttiming
Well this could be interesting?! Lonely boy, mysterious girl AND a tormented sheep man, YES please!
Wow. It's done. Feeling hungover and wrung out. It's an intense book with beautiful writing (although not without flaws IMHO). Now what?
Just finished this so just digesting. Loved the art, liked the albeit well-worn plot, hated the characters! A GoodReads reviewer referred to David Smith's character as douchey --I think I agree. Thoughts?
Today I was just walloped by this powerful story Fable by Charles Wu. (In the New Yorker this week) I got chills, I teared up, I smiled---all in this short story. A beautiful story about the struggles between expectations and reality. Read/listen now!!*this story is not in the above collection
It's hard to say that I "liked" such a dark, morose book. But it delves so beautifully into the human psyche that my brain will have to mull it over for a while. (Although all of the food descriptions makes me want to go out for some bulgogi!)
I am trying to figure out why this book didn't grab me by my heart---the best ingredients; a cute and loving fox, a boy with a big heart, a conflict of war, an adventure with the hopes of reunion. But there was something flat about it. Also the unknown time period.
Seems a little weird to start this heart-ripping book on Mothers Day...also picked up Lady Killer today. What's wrong with me? ;)
Loved the story but got about 1/2 through and decided that I wasn't understanding enough of the references to merit a finish. Who understands all of the references in Rushdie? Only Rushdie?
I feel like I need to be twice as smart and funny at school and twice as nice and forgiving in my neighborhood than everyone else to be acceptable. But everyone else can be only half to fit in.