Wasn't sure about this at the start but halfway through now and absolutely loving it. Didn't realise it was Macbeth inspired despite the title.
Wasn't sure about this at the start but halfway through now and absolutely loving it. Didn't realise it was Macbeth inspired despite the title.
As an ending it's definitely different. Took me a while to translate/figure it out but it's perfect.
Took me a little while to get into this modern reworking of Frankenstein but once I did I very much enjoyed it. The characters are complicated and intriguing and I loved how the dynamic between them shifted. There's also some wonderful world building with a very believable post apocalyptic setting that's quite dark and sinister. The story is however the main draw and like the original is a little uncomfortable but does make you think.
Started this when I woke up this morning and ended up more or less reading the whole thing in one sitting. Absolutely loved it, possibly more than the first book. I loved the characters, I loved the story, I loved how it made me cry and I really loved how it questions social norms and notions of gender roles and family.
🌟🌟🌟🌟.5 /5
Wasn't sure about this one initially as it's a bit odd and there's something a little off in either the writing or the translation but somehow it snuck past all of my defences and turned me into a big blubbering wreck. It's a story about discovering what gives life meaning and what you'd be willing to live without. A few funny moments to lighten things up but mostly heart breaking.
I'm a big fan of superhero movies and Batman (the Keaton version at any rate) is one of my fave characters so was excited to see what Lu would do. While it's not bad, I wouldn't say there's anything special about it. It filled some time, didn't require a lot of thought and left no book hangover. It was perfect for cleaning my reading palate after a very emotional read but not one I'd rave over.
4.5 stars
Backman's usual wonderful writing makes this a worthy sequel to Beartown. As you can tell from the title this is a book all about conflict both on the rink & off. It's very similar in style to Beartown with short sections multiple povs & a lot of foreshadowing (something I loved and hated). Like his other books the characters are the stars. They sneak into your heart making it an incredibly emotional and frustrating read. Loved it.
Can I just give this all the stars. I absolutely loved it. Wonderful writing makes this story of greek gods and heroes both epic and very easy to connect with. The character development is incredible and I found myself emotionally invested in them. I felt every tragedy and every moment of joy. One warning I will give, if you don't remember your greek mythology very well don't Google it. Just enjoy the story.
This had a very intriguing premise & some very clever writing. I loved the way the author presented a world where a woman's place is in the home & to ensure they stay there they're limited to 100 words a day. She made it very believable & illustrated the impact on everyday life wonderfully. I also loved how she used a flawed but very clever & relatable MC to drive the story. I had a couple of issues with the writing but otherwise loved it
Wow. I had high expectations for this book and it did not disappoint. An Agatha Christie type murder mystery with a very unique twist, this is a truly addictive read. I found myself immersed in the very vivid world the author created of wealth, privilege, secrets and lies. It's dark and twisty with a very intricate plot. You may need to set aside time to read this but it's well worth the effort. Absolutely brilliant.
This book really was sooo good. I think you can probably guess from the title it's an emotional read that will break your heart but what really impressed me was just how cleverly written it was. It's a very intriguing concept how the world and your life would be different if you knew the day you're going to die and the author does a wonderful job of raising a lot of deep issues while keeping the focus on Mateo and Rufus. A great read.
4.5 stars
I started this with my breakfast and had it finished by dinner time. It was sooo good I couldn't put it down. Deliciously dark and twisted there's a lot of violence in this book, some dubious ethics, lots of backstabbing (literally at times) and betrayal. I loved how no one is who you think and many change over the course of the story. Brilliant writing and world building. Just need book 2 now.
4.5 stars
I think my Mum summed it up best with "I love Jojo Moyes books, they always make me cry" and this is no exception. Don't worry it's not the sob fest After You was but it definitely has its moments. Like most of her books it starts out quite slow but subtly and sneakily draws you in until you're fully invested. It's a much more positive book and great to see some more diversity as well as the usual quirky characters. Loved it.
Best book mail ever. I can't wait to read this and I absolutely love the bumblebee on the cover. 😍
3 stars
A very strange and sometimes confusing story but it's actually the way it's told that I struggled the most with. Rather than follow events as they happen characters reflect back on them from several years in the future with a lot in the form of one side of a conversation.
Due to the style I felt quite removed from the story so while parts were fascinating I didn't feel overly invested. It's a very quick & easy read but not for me.
5 trillion stars
This was my first book by Holly Bourne and her first book for adults so not knowing any better I was expecting a light and fluffy rom com read. Boy was I wrong.
This presents a very real picture of what it's like to be in your 30s when everyone around you is getting married and having babies and you're not. MC Tori was not the most likeable but there was a lot I could relate to.
Definitely one I'd recommend
3.5 stars
Original, emotional and surprisingly real. I'm not wholly sure how I feel about this. I loved the concept behind it and there were some truly touching moments but at times it left me a little cold and confused. The writing is brilliant and the characters complex but for some reason I couldn't quite connect. Still a great story and I'm glad I read it. Thank you NetGalley.
Been reading this over the last week. Slow going but enjoyable. I do tend to think SJM books are getting too big but I always find longer books a struggle.
Today's book mail from #readersfirst I suspect it might be a little (or a lot) weird but I'm really looking forward to it.
4 stars
The format of this probably won't work for everyone (It's like reading a script rather than a novel) but I absolutely loved it. The dialogue was brilliant and I found myself laughing my way through from start to finish. I would have liked the MCs to be a little older and I wasn't so keen on the non interview chapters but overall loved it.
Happy #madhatterday everyone. I just found a very old edition (1950s I think) so couldn't resist sharing a pic of one of the best characters ever.
Today's book mail from #readersfirst Really looking forward to this one.
3.5 stars
I found this a bit of a struggle in the beginning but once it hit the midpoint I really became engaged in the story. The pace is slow and the focus is definitely on characters and relationships rather than magic (although there is a lot of magic) but it is a fascinating story. I found the second half particularly emotional and that made up a lot of the struggle at the start.
Very excited about September's #FairyLoot book. Hadn't heard of it before but it sounds different from the usual.
It's October so I think it's time to get in the Halloween spirit. I have my familiar so I should probably start learning some magic if I want to be a proper witch 🎃🐱🦇🕸
Fascinating and engaging story of two teenage girls at Auschwitz. It doesn't go into detail on the horrors that happened there as it's intended for a YA audience but instead focuses the dressmaking studio and the contrast between the lives of the guards and the prisoners. It's a story of hope, friendship and survival and asks how far would you go to stay alive. I didn't feel the emotion I thought I would but still a worthwhile read.
Not sure I can really say I enjoyed this book, it was far too frustrating for that, but it's brilliantly written and a completely addictive read. I loved how the story was told backwards and each question answered led to about 50 more. The MC is not particularly likeable, she's too much of a mystery, but she's fascinating to read. Doesn't have the feels of we were liars but still a great read.
Really enjoyed this story about four Mexican teens trying to cross the border into the US. The characters were incredibly likeable and surprisingly relatable and I found myself really hoping they'd make it. It's fast paced and pretty harrowing at times but has a few lighter moments too. A great debut.
♥♥♥♥/ 5
Completely unique and a little bit strange, this book captivated me from the very first page. I had some initial concerns that it wasn't taking mental illness seriously enough or that love would be the fix all cure but that was definitely not the case. There was so much about main character Esther's anxiety I could relate to and it turned into a bit of an emotional read. One I'd recommend if you like your reads quirky but with real heart
3 on this list is how I've spent pretty much every new year's since I was 18. I thought it was just me.
There's actually a ridiculous amount of this book that's just me when I was younger. Not sure if this should concern me 🤔
Not sure what it was about this book but I really didn't connect to it at all. It's an easy enough read and I loved the whole storm magic concept but it was just too similar to too many other books to make it a standout read. There's insta love, a love triangle and a special snowflake main character so all the usual tropes are there. Could have been so much better.
A very sweet, funny and quirky read. I really enjoyed this story about a woman who's allergic to other people and a man who's trying to connect with his children. It's quite an emotional read and yes it did make me cry. I loved MC Jubilee, she has such a hard time but is just so funny, clever and weird. Also loved all of the literary references and that a lot is set in a library. Only niggle was that ending was too quick.
⛤⛤⛤/5 Unpopular opinion time, I didn't love this and actually found the whole thing a bit of a struggle. There wasn't really any character I particularly liked (possibly because there were too many of them) and there was far too much telling and not enough showing. Also, word of warning, there are quite a few spoilers for TID which I didn't expect. I guess I don't need to bother finishing that series 😕
Just started reading When Dimple Met Rishi this morning but I'm finding it difficult to put down and am halfway through already. Have no idea how accurate a depiction of Indian culture it is but it's great to get a bit more diversity.
"Joost had two problems: the moon and his moustache."
Don't you just love that for a first sentence? I was trying to find great opening lines for a challenge and this is definitely one of my favourites. If you were choosing your favourite opening, what would you go for?
Wonderful story about a boy who believes in fairytales and follows his dreams. Lazlo Strange was definitely my favourite thing about this book. He's just so sweet, adorable and always thinking of others over himself. The other characters and world were beautifully crafted but I did think there was a little too much description and imagery for me.
The ending is stunning edge of the seat stuff so I will definitely read the follow up.
Enjoyable and addictive. I absolutely loved that there was a female MC who was kinda rubbish at fighting so used her other skills (smart, observant) to show her worth. Japanese mythology and cultural elements were wonderful and right amount of romance. I did think there could have been more explanation of magic and MC was a bit silly at times but overall great start to a series. ♥♥♥♥/5
"In the beginning, there were two suns and two moons"
How fantastic is that for a first line. I read this book from cover to cover yesterday and absolutely loved it.
I was taking part in a book photo challenge yesterday so thought I'd share the pic here too. This is one of my upcoming reads and while it's not one I'd heard of before it popped up in this month's #FairyLoot box I'm looking forward to it. Has anyone read it?
Another enjoyable installment in the Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard. I found it a little bit wordy in places but the character development and world building are incredible and it builds to a truly epic conclusion that had me on the edge of my seat.
I can‘t wait for the fourth and final book in the series.
🌟🌟🌟🌟.5/ 5
I felt a little let down by Simon vs but absolutely loved Molly's story in The Upside of Unrequited. It's sweet, funny, a little bit sad at times and has themes that I'm sure everyone will relate to. I worried it was trying to be too diverse in its characters at the start but that turned out not to be the case.
Overall brilliant feelgood coming of age story that I devoured in a day. 😍😢😅❤💑
Received this from Netgalley yesterday and couldn't resist starting immediately even though I'm halfway through another book.
Woohoo!! Just got my hands on the sequel. Can't wait to get reading.
"What happens beyond this gate may frighten or excite you, but don't let any of it trick you. We will try to convince you it's real, but all of it is a performance. A world of make believe. So while we want you to get swept away, be careful of being swept too far away. Dreams that come true can be beautiful, but they can also turn into nightmares when people won't wake up"
Full of magic and mystery I literally couldn't put Caraval down and read the whole thing in a day. It's a story that keeps you guessing as nothing and no one are what they seem and pretty much anything is possible. Absolutely wonderful.