Beautiful & dark, thoughtful & creepy. The art perfectly sets up this fairytale and the spare prose lends magic to the story. So glad I had a chance to read this!
Beautiful & dark, thoughtful & creepy. The art perfectly sets up this fairytale and the spare prose lends magic to the story. So glad I had a chance to read this!
There‘s nothing more comforting than being able to pull a favorite book from a shelf for a reread! I recently was given a copy of the audiobook of this one and have been listening to it in the car. While I‘ve enjoyed the audio, it‘s moving too slow, so I‘ve reverted back to the physical text to finish. This was a signed ARC I won from the author, so it‘s extra special. The Russel/Holmes series are some of my all-time favorite books.
I never really *need* a reason to reread these comics, but the Netflix series inspired me to. I think the show is really well done as far as adaptations go and I enjoyed it. But there‘s something about the original that is much more impactful. The art makes the violence more haunting & the storytelling more suspenseful. I love how there are tributes to other comics throughout, and how creative the structure is. I‘m always happy to revisit Keyhouse
I am blessed with a very good friend who not only has excellent taste in books, but is exceedingly generous. This was a Galentines present. She gets me. Kickass librarians for the win.
I am always down for some Scalzi. My work is currently hosting an exhibit from NASA, and since I can‘t make it to another world (yet), I will happily settle for space travel through books.
After a long (unintentional) hiatus, I have returned! One of my goals this year is to keep better track of what I‘m actually reading. I‘m using a journal, but also wanted to get back to using Litsy and the two things went hand in hand. So here I am today, on a dreary Sunday afternoon with a cat, a cup of tea, and a new novella.
This book was really well done. Great stories, believable characters, and terrifying realities.
I go to bookclub and people give me new books. It‘s kinda great. I am very much looking forward to reading these, particularly Pride and Prometheus, which is Pride & Prejudice meets Dr. Frankenstein.
Picked this up on a whim & goodness is it lovely. Interesting story, distinctive art, and I even learned a bit about roofing! The non traditional size and spot treatment on the cover also set it apart. Definitely adding to my pull list.
I somehow managed to ration this out to last me a week and I‘m so sad it‘s finished now because I want more of this story and more of the first read experience. This was a joy through & through. I loved the setting of the university. It felt very akin to the Harper hall series, or earthsea in that regard. Plus, the added delight of meeting characters from the other series for the first time. Can‘t wait for the rest of the series!
I adored this book. Just got back from book club where we discussed it. Lots of varying opinions on it, but great discussion. I found it in turns fascinating, disturbing, poignant, and moving. The title is awful and somewhat misleading, but beyond that it is a book that will stick with me for a long while.
The mug is necessary when you have two different upcoming book clubs on the same day & you‘re behind in your reading.
This is the “me”-est of all possible book hauls. Picked up my copy of Tempest And Slaughter (I have been waiting YEARS for this book) and found the rest on clearance for least than $2 each.
This book makes me so happy. Ordered it for my birthday as a fun thing, not expecting a lot from it. But it‘s delightful. Nicely put together, interesting tidbits about the characters, great pictures, and a timeline! Tortall was the fantasy land I always wanted to visit, more than Middle Earth, Narnia, or even Earthsea. This book makes teenage me squee. Great present to myself!
I‘ve reread this book almost every December since I first was introduced to it in middle school. I love a holiday tradition. I have wine & my well-loved copy, and I‘m ready this year. Merry winter, y‘all. #thedarkisreading
TW: assault
This passage has been on my mind a lot in the past few months. In this book, a magic chamber of the ordeal tests prospective knights on their worthiness. Its response to their crimes when found lacking is very cathartic.
“No court in the land could put him through what he did to those girls. The chamber did...the chamber is making him feel every blow, kick, and punch that he doled out.”
Not in the system yet, so tagged under an another amazing book by the brilliant Ryan North. I love these so much. This is a bit of absurdity that I absolutely needed today.
Ok, gotta buckle down now. I‘m leading a discussion on this book on Wednesday, meaning I really should finish it. I‘ve enjoyed the few chapters I‘ve read so far!
My local coffee shop/bookstore posted a pic of this book this morning & I knew I had to go grab it. Excited to dive in! I love Miyazaki‘s work so much. Turning point is the second book detailing his career and covers the movies pictured here.
This comic is just so freaking good. Everyone should read it. And cry, and laugh, and debate, and maybe go punch some things and then debate more over the relative morality of punching those things.
Issue 26 fanzine is amazing. Squirrel Girl and Libraries are my favorite superhero team up.
This entire book is delightful. I‘m only sad now I don‘t have the comics that feature such gems as “Maureen Marine”, “Tomboy”, “Mystra”, and “Sindhi Shade” (who is part of a dystopian society based on... libraries...). Luckily, this book also tells where to find these amazing heroines.
I can‘t remember the last time I hated a book so much. I‘m leading a discussion on it on Wednesday, and at least there will be a lot to talk about, but man. Worst main character. Plodding plot. Predictable villain. There were parts that were intriguing, but they were quickly passed up. Blah.
Sitting here trying to finish my bookclub book, when I look up and realize something looks wrong on the bookshelves in front of me.
Thanks to a BN credit from redistribution of ebook settlement funds, I am enjoying a free book & meal before walking across the street for a Bela Fleck & Abigail Washburn concert. Not a bad way to end a day at all.
This is another October book release I‘d been waiting anxiously for! Made sure to stop by Parnassus Books while in Nashville to grab a copy (and other book swag). Lyra was a character I fell in love with from the first page. I never expected more of her story, and seeing how she‘s grown up will be like catching up with an old friend.
I was in Nashville for a few hours yesterday to see a live show of one of my favorite podcasts. Of course I took the opportunity to visit some local book stores. This was McKays, which was huge & amazing. I went overboard picking up old favorites for ridiculous prices & finding things I‘d missed (including the entire run of Air by G. willow Wilson!)
We reached a compromise. I can read, as long as he can sit on me and keep a paw on my book.
October is a good book month! Went on a bit of a book splurge at the store, but these are all titles I‘ve been waiting anxiously for.
A friend passed this book on to be and I am stoked. I love Babylon 5 (note the trading cards as proof 😂)
Weekend plans: reading all the issues I've picked up this summer but didn't have time to enjoy.
Gorgeous books and lovely bookmarks! My copies of these GNs just arrived and I can't wait to savor them. Comic anthologies with stories by indigenous creators. This is one of the reasons I still love kickstarter- it helps bring more voices to the table.
Great pulls from this week's comic store trip *and* free Wonder Woman day comics? Heck, yeah!
Ooh! This month's Call Box is a book in translation! And longlisted for the Man Booker prize 2017.
I've been making lot of things lately! Including this bracelet. And this is one of my favorite adaptations of the Peter Pan story. Graphic novel by Renae De Liz. Beautiful art & appropriately creepy tone, which let's admit: Peter Pan is creepy AF.
My friend got a digital die cut machine, which means I now have a non-compliant bumper sticker!
"There is no greater power on this earth than story...people think boundaries and borders build nations. Nonsense-words do. Beliefs, declarations, constitutions-words. Stories. Myths. Lies. Promises. History."
I forgot how quotable this book is. The pacing at times drive me bonkers, but it has such lovely passages & errie atmosphere.
You can have your May the Fourth, May 25th will always be my nerd holiday. Happy Towel Day, you hoopy froods.
And then my dad stole my backup book. I apparently need to bring more with me next time to share. Soon, I'll be packing a cart of books for a single evening.
Ha. I brought my copy of this to read while hanging out with my grandmother this evening & my mom picked it up. I may not get it back.
I know nothing about this book! Picked it up entirely based on back text & good author blurbs. Here's hoping it's as fun as it sounded.
I have always loved reading plays. Found this compilation in a used book store today & can't wait to dive in. Also, I really love the cover.
Sitting outside with my book club discussion this book. Which we all read in high school and reread last month.
This series is delightful. I've read the first 2 this weekend & am purchasing the 3rd now. Fun characters, interesting world, and exactly the quick, satisfying read I've been needing. This second book has an alternating storyline I wasn't sure I'd like starting out, but it complemented the story & character development perfectly.
Got the FCBD Spill Night & it's totally sold me on this book. Can't wait to pick it up and read the whole thing!
This is actually from I Hate Image, the free comic book day sampler/spoof from Image. It cracked me up, but particularly this caricature of Lying Cat.