'I felt horribly obvious. I wished I were invisible to myself- that I could see the illusion so that I could trust it'
~Stephenie Meyer, The short second life of Bree Tanner~
#quotes #blogger #books #bookaholic #twilight
'I felt horribly obvious. I wished I were invisible to myself- that I could see the illusion so that I could trust it'
~Stephenie Meyer, The short second life of Bree Tanner~
#quotes #blogger #books #bookaholic #twilight
☆You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.☆
~C.S. Lewis~
I wish you all a wonderful day 🌞
I have to go to the doctor in a few hours, but now it's time to read my book and drink a cup of tea ☕ What book are you currently reading?
#newyorkdiaries #bookandtea #almostweekend
Einer meiner Lieblingsdrachen 😍
#drachenmondverlag #hinterdornenheckenundzauberspiegeln #blogger
Ein ganzes halbes Jahr von Jojo Mojes 🖤 Ich habe dieses Buch geliebt 😍 Den Film fand ich auch in Ordnung, aber das Buch war (wie sollte es auch sein) besser 😃
I really love this book 🖤 the movie is good but the book is so much better 🖤
#jojomoyes #bookaddict #thebookwasbetter