I loved the movie Cold Mountain. I really enjoy historical novels. I hope the book is as good. It's so far pretty slow placed.
I loved the movie Cold Mountain. I really enjoy historical novels. I hope the book is as good. It's so far pretty slow placed.
Slowly working through my Goodreads To-read shelf. This one has been on there FOREVERRR. For-ev-veeeeer.
This book came highly recommended by a friend. It looks like it's going to be fun.
I have had The Night Circus in my To Read list for over 5 years. I finally got to it!
I love Sons of Anarchy. I will read every cheesy SOA book tie in they make because I love it that much! I have no shame! Plus I will never pass up an opportunity to post the pic of me with my future second husband Charlie Hunnam. My husband is accepting of my crazy fanaticism and he is totally okay with (most of) it.
Time to start my Audible freebie. I don't think I have ever read a Jeffrey Archer book.
I flew through Bossypants (loved it!). Now I'm enjoying this one!
I am loving this book. Tina Fey is hilarious and I never want it to end.
Here I am again. Stressed out with all my library holds coming up at the same time.
My daughter's room is a disaster. It is filled with toys, 99.9% she no longer plays with. She is all about books. Her bookshelf was overflowing with all her "little kid" books, so we cleaned it out and put all her most loved and new books in it. It's a work in progress as I know there are more books hidden around the house. My most favorite thing about it is she has new books, mixed with books her brother and I passed down to her.
So here I am again. All my library holds on Overdrive seem to come up at the same time. I'm pretty sure I'll have to get back on the hold list for A Dance With Dragons for the 5th time. I feel like I am never going to finish this book! The Restaurant at the End of the Universe expires in 6 days and I haven't even started it yet. THE PRESSURE!
This is download number 4 for A Dance With Dragons. I have about 11 hours left on it and 8 days remaining on my library checkout. I have got to finish this book!!
I really enjoyed Middlesex, so I have high hopes for this one.
I bought this audiobook for my husband, the truck driver. He really liked it so now it's my turn.
Next on on my Halloween reading list.
I love the horror genre. But I'm not going to lie; I'm scared to read this book! Since it's the audiobook I plan on NOT listening to it alone in my room at night.
So long and thanks for all the fish!
My internet is down and won't be fixed until Saturday. At least I have books to soothe my little soul.
That stress you feel when all your Overdrive library holds (that have been on hold for eons) become available at the same time. This is too much pressure!!! Never mind the fact that I'm on download number 3(!!!) of A Dance With Dragons and still not close to being done, and so I have to get BACK ON THE WAITLIST!! I can't take it any more! There are too many good books and not enough time to read them all. #booknerdproblems
All my library holds are popping up at the same time. So stressful!!!
I am always in awe of how Ken Follett can weave the story around you in such a way that you feel like you are in the room with the characters. So much detail. I love so many of his books, and I'm really enjoying this one.
This came at the end of Pretty Girls. Haunting to think of her last moments.
This came at the end of Pretty Girls. Haunting to think of her last moments.
I just started the audiobook yesterday and I'm already hooked. And I don't think I've ever read anything by Karin Slaughter before. That is fixing to change!!!
I'm almost done and I'm really enjoying it. Such a cute book!
Neccesities for the park: a book and and a Diet Dr Pepper. Thank God there is a break in the heat from a rain storm.
I'm not a comic book/ graphic novel fan. BUT I am obsessed with the SOA comics. Love them so much. Helps me miss the show a little less. I've been downloading from the library, but I think I may have convinced hubby to start buying them for keeps.
So far the descriptions of all the vacation food is making me very hungry.
I've found a new way to extend my SOA obsession! Yesssssss!
Back at the park reading while my daughter swings. Reading another book that I have no clue about the plot. I KNOW it's a classic! I do feel shame!! So far it's ok. I think Mr. Bradbury is winning an award for using three thousand words to describe a scene/object that could really be described in two words, though.
Yay! It's my turn again! I wonder how far I can get in 2 weeks this time...
I'm starting to think the list of Stephen King books I haven't read is longer than the list Stephen King books I have read. And I've read a ton!
Taking the book to the park to read while my daughter swings the rest of the day away.
This book has been on my wish list since it was released. Yay!!
I think this is become the year of reading books I have no advance knowledge of. My mom gave me two bags full of books she's finished and I pulled this one out of the pile. How can I not read a book that has a mattress pattern as its cover art?
That moment when your 10 year old daughter loves old school Nancy Drew as much as you did at her age.
I love the book and the movie. But I think I like the movie ending a little bit better.
Road trip audiobook for my summer vacation.
I have no idea what to expect. I know nothing about it. But I heard it's funny. Here I go!