Finally getting to read this! So happy. Loving it so far 🌟
Finally getting to read this! So happy. Loving it so far 🌟
I can't wait to read the third one! I started this book last year & ended up putting it off for such a long time??? I was in one those dreadful reading slumps. I started it again on Friday night , finishing it Saturday morning 💗 so grateful I finally did! Ah! I need the third one. Local bookstore betta be prepared for this lady here
~ Burial Rites by Hannah Kent. This right here is a heavy heart felt novel. The story is so eerie and sad but also so enthralling that's it's hard set down (isn't all books?) none the less, this story will have you thinking for days. #burialrites #hannahkent #bookstagram #books
Faeries by Allan lee & Brian froud. It's Such a lovely read! The illustrations are so captivating and the book it's self is as if it is a Fae field Guide or a scrapbook. I hold this book so dearly to my heart now 💗#allanlee #brianfroud #faeires #folklore
Starting a new read today! Never heard of the author before unfortunately but it seems to be quite a lovely book. #amytan #thejoyluckclub
"Guard your throats and hide your eyes. He's not dead you fools. Legends never die." ~ A.G. Howard Roseblood.
Recently finished this book and I must say, it being a inspired retailing Phantom of the opera has me in love! It's a bit of slow read but none the less gorgeously written. I loved the new & old characters and of course connected with Rune. Thinking of giving this book as a gift to a dear Phantom lover friend ?
#Roseblood #Aghoward