Really enjoyed the writing on this one. I became so invested in Agnes‘ story and felt everything with her. Sad it had to come to an end #pick #burialrites
Really enjoyed the writing on this one. I became so invested in Agnes‘ story and felt everything with her. Sad it had to come to an end #pick #burialrites
Marvelous, incredible, beautifully told.
BURIAL RITES is a book that you do not want to miss.
The book's situation and setting, the writing, and the characters are all phenomenal and come alive through the author's exquisite skill. 5/5
Have YOU read it?
FULL REVIEW: https://tinyurl.com/2p8ecj9u
What an incredibly good book! A #pageturner with haunting characters, suspenseful and gripping plot with lots of twists. It left me wanting more! This #historicalcrimefiction set in #VictorianLondon, is based on the true case known as #TheEdgewareRoadMurder.
I highly recommend this book! If you like #BurialRites and #AliasGrace, this is the book for you!
My full review at: https://www.goodreads.com/thereadingowlvina
This is a #poignant #historicalfiction based on real events. #agnesmagnusdottir was convicted for her role in the murders of two men in 1828, and she became the last person to be executed in #Iceland. #bookart #bookphotos #bookphotography #goodread #bookworm #yycreads #19thcentury #readforlife #readanythingandeverything #burialrites #hannahkent #calgarylibrary
A somber but beautiful read, based on the true story of Agnes Magnusdottir. Burial Rites is a compelling historical fiction you must to add to your TBR. #burialrites #hannahkent #aussieauthor #aussieread
"I can turn to that day as though it were a page in a book. It‘s written so deeply upon my mind I can almost taste the ink."
Burial Rites || Hannah Kent
#book #books #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #novel #fiction #historical #bookshelf #bookworm #bookstagrams #australia #bookstagramaustralia #firstpost #sunshine #burialrites #hannahkent #sunshine #weather #clouds #reading #postits #notes #quotes #bookstoread #needtoread #lifeofinkandwords
Just finished #BurialRites by #HannahKent book last night, I have a feeling it's going to stick with me for a while.
What was the last historical fiction novel you read? I want to read more of them but sometimes I'm afraid they'll be too dense.
#books #booklover #bookworm #currentlyreading #currentread #ireadya #bookish #booklovers #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookaddict #bookblogger #reader
~ Burial Rites by Hannah Kent. This right here is a heavy heart felt novel. The story is so eerie and sad but also so enthralling that's it's hard set down (isn't all books?) none the less, this story will have you thinking for days. #burialrites #hannahkent #bookstagram #books
I love love loved this book! It had everything I wanted - all of the quirky stylistic choices so rare in modern books! I'd definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoyed Hannah Kent's #BurialRites although they are definitely different in style. I really respect Burnet for refusing to hold the readers' hand to guide us blindly to a set conclusion
#justfinished #historicalfiction #historicalcrime #ManBooker2016