A very good read! Not near as dark as other books I‘ve read but the events in this book keep your attention. Not to mention the story line tying into a podcast is pretty cool. Definitely recommend.
A very good read! Not near as dark as other books I‘ve read but the events in this book keep your attention. Not to mention the story line tying into a podcast is pretty cool. Definitely recommend.
I feel so bad because meeting with my book club the book sounded so interesting but I couldn‘t get into it. I didn‘t make it very far. Maybe another time!
Loved the World War II history that was tied in, and the strong female leads. One of my favorite reads!
You gotta love a good book club read that you would have probably never picked up. Very excited 🤓🤓 #NCPL #BooksOnTap #MommasQuietTime
I LOVED it. But this is not, I repeat, NOT for the faint of heart!! There were a lot of moments causing me to be a little queasy, but the story line keeps you going, wanting more. I love the way Gillian Flynn writes from different characters points of views and still keeps the story flowing. She‘s one of my favorite authors. I recommend this one, but it is not for everyone!
I get into my own little world.. she gets into hers (even if it‘s a little too close to the tv) 😂 except this read is waaaayyyy twisted. Gillian Flynn at her finest! 😬 #Toddlerhood #MommasBedtimeStory
I am not a rom-com kinda girl but I binged read this one. It‘s full of twists and turns and gives you that feeling of nostalgia with your different kind of relationships. I would definitely recommend!! Check it out!
When the author of the book you‘re reading gives a shout-out to your book club!! 🤓🤓 #NerdingOut #BooksOnTap #Bardstown #Kentucky #NCPL #NelsonCountyPublicLibrary
Not my favorite. I enjoyed the way the story flowed, but the guts of the story weren‘t the juiciest. I didn‘t finish the book and that says a lot coming from me! You also have to be careful who you recommend this book too. Was not thrilled.
The awesome thing about book clubs is being introduced to books you probably never would have picked yourself. Here goes nothing 🤓 #NotYourMothersBookClub #NelsonCoPublicLibrary
This was my first autobiography and I began the book being completely unbiased. It was interesting to peek into a celebrities life. I enjoyed the tidbits about her childhood and motherhood. I can‘t help but to wonder if she‘s really that down to earth. But all in all, I love her on Parks and Recreation so thumbs up in my book!
Another book a little out of my norm, but I enjoyed it. The detail really brought the book to life. I could picture the settings of each scene. Super disappointed about the ending (don‘t worry I won‘t spoil it.)
I normally don‘t like sci-fi books but this one definitely kept my wheels turning. I enjoyed it for the most part, but a lot of times I would catch myself checking to see how many pages I had left. It was okay, but would definitely recommend to a sci-fi loving friend, especially someone who enjoyed physics!
I really enjoyed this memoir. Parts of it were hard for me to say, “wow that really happens,” and other parts had me relating to my dysfunctional childhood. I‘m excited to read other books by Jeannette Walls!
She‘s my favorite author, and this book is one of the heartstrings (but isn‘t all of hers?!) The way Picoult illustrates between characters is my favorite. Not to mention adding historical events to the story line. I could read this book several times more.
One of my top favorites. Psychological thrillers are my favorite and this one has taken the cake! You‘re very curious as the book begins and once things start moving into motion, it doesn‘t stop! Five stars for sure!