If you love Tamora Pierce you‘ll definitely love this series!
This series reminds me of Tamora Pierce‘s Tortall universe. More romance though.
I've definitely moved beyond this level of writing fantasy wise but I liked rereading this.
Ignoring that pile on my desk while I try to finally finish Eldest this afternoon.
✔️kid asleep ✔️laundry in dryer ✔️curled up on the couch with my book and crochet.
Reading has fallen to the wayside the past few months but I'm starting to get back into it tonight. My reading goal for the year is 52 books. What's yours?
I hate Umbridge even more now.
I couldn't not love this.
Always love learning more about Harry Potter.
Our new bedtime read.
Finished reading this last night for her bedtime reading, she enjoyed it a lot and so did I. I can't believe I've never read it before now.
We've been reading The Little Prince before bed every night but we're almost finished! Does anyone have any recommendations for what we should read next?
I received this book as an ARC. It was a nice fluffy read for a couple hours at the pool. I wish it had been longer to go more in-depth for the heavier topics it touched on.
After Prisoner of Azkaban, I'm definitely diving back into my re-read of these books!
Wonderful as always! Now onto the next one. 🐀
Enjoying the fresh air outside while it's not unbearably humid. #harrypotter #knitting