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Short Stories from Hogwarts of Heroism, Hardship and Dangerous Hobbies
Short Stories from Hogwarts of Heroism, Hardship and Dangerous Hobbies | J.K. Rowling
Minerva was the Roman goddess of warriors and wisdom. William McGonagall is celebrated as the worst poet in British history. There was something irresistible to me about his name, and the idea that such a brilliant woman might be a distant relative of the buffoonish McGonagall. J.K. Rowling. Pottermore Presents is a collection of J.K. Rowlings writing: short reads originally featured on pottermore.com with some exclusive new additions. These eBooks, with writing curated by Pottermore, will take you beyond the Harry Potter stories as J.K. Rowling reveals her inspiration, intricate details of characters lives and surprises from the wizarding world. These stories of heroism, hardship and dangerous hobbies profile two of the Harry Potter stories most courageous and iconic characters: Minerva McGonagall and Remus Lupin. J.K. Rowling also gives us a peek behind the closed curtains of Sybill Trelawneys life, and youll encounter the reckless, magical-beast-loving Silvanus Kettleburn along the way.
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@Cupcake12 you seen these? Collection of short stories by J K Rowling #hogwarts #shortstories

Cupcake12 Never seen these. Will take a look x 10mo
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Interesting book. I wish it had less info about Remus and more about Trelawney and Kettleburn. We know Remus‘ story, and although it was interesting learning more about his father, I found myself bored during his part. I am disappointed that we only got a few paragraphs about Trelawney and Kettleburn. I did enjoy learning more about McGonnagoll though.

@TheAromaofBooks this was my November #DoubleSpin

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Thanks, @Eyelit - what a nice surprise! 🧙‍♂️


GypsyKat So sweet! 4y
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This was fun for those of us who miss this particular world and it‘s characters. So happy to hear more backstory on one of my faves, Minerva McGonagall!☺️ and there was even a chapter about Sybil Trelawney! 🙌🏽 (wish there was a bit more about her) Overall, I‘d say if you only like Harry Potter in passing you might want to skip this one. But it‘s enjoyable if you‘re a big fan like me. 🤗 Thanks! ♥️ @Eggbeater for telling me how to find these! 😎

JoScho Looks fun! 5y
HOTPock3tt @JoScho It was a lot of fun!! 😎 I‘m definitely going to continue with the series 🤗 5y
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Finished book #4 of my chronic migraine day. Book 27/12 for the #BookFitnessChallenge. Someday I'll properly review all these books I'm flying through while in too much pain to write a review. Great to visit the wizarding world for a bit. 💕 #BFC @wanderinglynn

BookwormAHN Nice job 👏🏻 5y
wanderinglynn You really need to up your book goal as you‘re already more than doubled it and there‘s still 2 weeks to go. 5y
Caterina @wanderinglynn I can do that, but when I hit my book goal I figured I'd let it stand since it had been an ambitious goal based on my last six months of reading and the challenge allows for points for extra books finished, so I figured it would be good motivation to keep reading as many books as I could to earn a point for each one, but with being in bed most of the time lately I've been reading a lot of quick reads. 5y
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Caterina @wanderinglynn If it's not in the spirit of the competition to leave the goal the same, then I can set a new goal and take away my extra book points from week 3. 5y
DGRachel I hope the pain breaks for you soon! 5y
Sarah83 Hope you feel better soon 💖 5y
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This one is short but sweet. The collection includes pieces from Pottermore. There is a history of McGonagall, Lupin and Trelawny, with additional tidbits thrown in. Don‘t expect depth, but it‘s fun for those of us who are already Harry Potter fans.

charl08 Aw! Those tiny feet 🥰 5y
Traci1 Tiny toes!! ❤❤ 5y
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I cannot believe I had no idea these books existed! They are only available as ebooks but still. Of course I bought them all and they are next in my kindle queue tbr.

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A quick sojourn back into the wizarding world featuring the background stories of some of my favorite characters. Nothing earth-shattering, but I particularly enjoyed learning more about Professor McGonagall, whom I greatly admire. I'm brushing up on HP trivia for my convention in August.

GingerAntics I loved reading more about her too. This was a fun little read. 5y
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Ericalambbrown I can‘t love this enough! 💕 5y
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Hogwarts is my comfort place.

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A must-read for all Potterheads. 🧙🏻‍♀️


...heroism comes in all shapes, sizes and varieties—whether it‘s Remus Lupin giving his life to save the wizarding world or Silvanus Kettleburn hurling Flobberworms at Death Eaters from his attic. After all, you idon‘thave to be a sword-wielding Gryffindor to be a hero; sometimes, all it takes is having your heart in the right place.

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I‘m really enjoying these little Hogwarts books.

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More fun background info on some of our favorites & it was such fun reading with my fellow Littens for #hpchapteraday. I love learning these tidbits & they give me a deeper appreciation of JK‘s world each time I delve into it 😍

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#hpchapteraday whether it‘s enchanting an Ashwinder & having it set fire to the Great Hall or trying to raise an illegal dragon. It seems that theteachers of Care of Magical Creatures tend to a certain #recklessness. Which would seem a little foolhardy in a job where it would seem to be important to take at least a bit more care 😜😁

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Professor Kettleburn couldn't have loved having the full use of all his limbs so very much. He certainly didn't try very hard to keep it 😂

You'd think that, given the general recklessness of wizards (Kettleburn just being an extreme example), someone would have invented better prosthetic limbs by now. Moody had that amazing prosthetic eye—why not better legs? #hpchapteraday

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Hahaha! Good point! And why couldn‘t that be regrow like Harry‘s bones in his arm! 7y
Clare-Dragonfly @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Not being able to regrow limbs makes sense to me—we know there are curses and creatures that prevent much magical healing (like Sectumsempra and basilisks), so if Kettleburn was messing with those, he's seriously reckless. 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Clare-Dragonfly I know some curse wounds couldn‘t be healed...Mad Eye‘s eye, George‘s ear, Harry‘s scar, but I didn‘t realize that with magical creatures wounds. 7y
Clare-Dragonfly @Riveted_Reader_Melissa IIRC, the only thing that can heal basilisk venom is phoenix tears. That's why it's one of the few substances that can destroy a Horcrux. I wouldn't be surprised if there were other creatures with similar bites. 7y
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“After all, you don‘t have to be a sword-wielding Gryffindor to be a hero; sometimes, all it takes is having your heart in the right place.”
💙 this...great wrap up to a great little book!


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And they acted like Hagrid was the height of #Recklessness, based on this Hagrid was the best and safest! 🤦‍♀️😂


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What can I say, I love the little tidbits and backstories!


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#Fate as always, can be greatly helped along by a gentle push and a helping hand, not to mention someone paying close attention, actively listening, and willing to have an open mind and consider all the consequences. In short, Fate wouldn‘t have gotten far without, in this case, one Albus Perceval Wulfric Brian Dumbledore & I think that‘s an important lesson here... trust in fate, but do the hard work preparing for the storm anyway.

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#hpchapteraday As much as Trelawney liked to pretend she could predict #fate, she was a fraud. Her lofty ideas of what she deserved because of her ancestry held her back because she never worked to make more of herself than the sum of her ancestors. I‘ve never really bought into fate myself...it is often nothing more than excuse because why even try if fate will have its way one way or the other? I 💜 that Harry‘s story emphasizes choice over fate

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Poor Sybill Trelawney—she couldn't foresee her own fate, and neither, apparently, could her erstwhile husband. I am a bit disappointed that JKR didn't go into much detail about Trelawney's past, especially this tidbit. It's very interesting that she and McGonagall, opposites in so many ways, both refused to change their names on marriage. It worked out better for McGonagall, who perhaps had found a man who respected her more. #hpchapteraday

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Great point, about them both refusing to change their name....and one getting the credit of feminism and the other because the ‘new‘ last name was a non-pleasing name. Exact same action, but for one a sign of independence and the other of vanity. 7y
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I love these little peeks inside the author‘s mind. She was able to explore societies tendencies to shun certain groups, to the point where they internalize the discrimination into overwhelming #selfloathing. She could have easily wrote a side character werewolf, but the layers & depth into this character, his backstory, and his progression in the novels, as well as what they mirror about human behaviors is truly extraordinary.


Texreader Lupin has long been one of my favorite characters 7y
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#hpchapteraday Remus‘s #selfloathing was cultivated throughout his life. He was lucky to have family & friends who loved him & I think that made a big difference between who he became. But his story of being rejected, fearing rejection, & moving on b4 he can be rejected show how society‘s unwillingness to try to understand & reach out bred selfloathing into him. This is why we need to reach out-you never know the harm you do w/a turned back.

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Poor Remus—his childhood as a werewolf has taken a serious toll on him. Even in the worst time of his life, when he's lost all three of his best and only friends, his self-loathing has to step in and make everything worse. #hpchapteraday

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Hahahaha! I love this, the juxtaposition here, and of course her name mean goddess of warriors and wisdom! How could she not represent great #Heroism in our story.


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One more reason to love my favorite Hogwarts teacher!


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#hpchapteraday There is no question of the #heroism of McGonnagall. What I like about her story is the quiet heroic acts, many of which some may not even think of as heroic; One of the most brave things is her choice to choose her own happiness & individuality over love. Women are often taught that all should be sacrificed on the altar of love, but McGonnagall rejects this-she will not lock her magic & herself away &...

Redjewel_7734 Con‘t...she will keep her identity even down to her name. She isn‘t defined by her relationship to her spouse no matter how true the bond. Those are heroic choices & actions in a a world that often browbeats women who make them. 7y
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Professor McGonagall was always a hero, even a personal hero to Harry, but it was in the Battle of Hogwarts that she really proved herself. Her heroism was so great that it even got her a spot on a Chocolate Frog card! #hpchapteraday

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I haaaate using my kindle. For me personally it doesn't have the same magic as a physical copy. But I'm breaking it out for three reasons. 1. I'm heading out for vacation in a week and can't lug a bunch of books with me. 😭 2. It's less awkward for me to read steamy romance novels. 😂 3. There's some Pottermore short stories that are only available on ebooks. 😲

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🌛✨Perfect bedtime read from JK Rowling✨ 🌜

Published exclusively for Kindle, JK Rowling's three short collections of additional short stories and snippets from the wizarding world make them the perfect bedtime read.

Currently reading stories of 'Heroism, Hardship and Dangerous Hobbies' to wind down before a good nights sleep!

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Short stories about the background of people we got to know from the Harry Potter series. Lovely light reading.

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Already in love with this book!


I loved learning more about these characters (though I think at least some of the contents of this ebook have been published on Pottermore before). Especially Lupin and McGonagall.
Book 9 for #sumtbreadathon

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Completed my 40 book challenge today with a great book. I loved reading more about McGonagall and Lupin - two of my favourite characters although I did shed a little tear reading Lupin's chapter 😢

LauraBrook Congratulations!!!!!! 7y
Scurvygirl 🎉🎉🎉📚📚📚 7y
Beachesnbooks Congrats!! 7y
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Top 5 favorite reads of the quarter

#3: Short Stories From Hogwarts of Heroism, Hardships, and Dangerous Hobbies

It's always exciting getting new background info on characters and a world that I love!

#harrypotter #jkrowling #pottermore #pottermorepresents #shortstoriesfromhogwarts

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Hehehe - twitter exchange done right!

Laalaleighh 😂💙😂💙😂 7y
rabbitprincess I'm with the Skelmersdale Police on that one! When I saw the last Harry Potter movie in theatres I was a blubbering wreck 😭😭😭 7y
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Got to love McGonagall! She is an inspiration. ❤📚❤📚❤📚

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Well worth a read, if only for the Minerva and Remus biographies.

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It's always fun to jump into the world of Harry Potter for a little while.

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Another fun/quick one in the world of Harry Potter. This one takes us through the history and outcome of a few of our favorite characters. Reading this also just impressed me because the universe Rowling has created has to be one of the most thought out universes of all time. And with that....I've hit my goal!

Marchpane Congrats on reaching your goal! 👏👏👏 8y
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Last book of 2016 and my favorite in the Pottermore ebook series. Mainly because it had chapters on two of my favorite characters, Lupin and McGonagall!

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It was really fun to read the the full stories of McGonagall, Lupin, and Trelawney. I'm looking forward to reading more of this series. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
(Also, how great are these deathly hallows earrings my sis gave me for Christmas??)

Lacythebookworm Those earrings! 😍 8y
LyndseyReads @Lacythebookworm Right?? I squealed. 8y
RadicalReader @LyndseyReads love anything that symbolizes the magical world of witchcraft and wizard in the magical mystical adventures of Harry Potter 7y
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Rosemary sings while I catch up with Short Stories from Hogwarts. ⚡️

Zelma Love that movie! 8y
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I always wanted to be McGonagall when I grow up, but reading her backstory, while it makes me admire the character more, may also make me think I'd like to look into Molly Weasley a bit more.

jessberk13 I absolutely loved these stories!!! I want more!!! 8y
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