Just started this on the drive to work. Enjoyed the hour I listened to so far. Reminds me of the decision making class I took in grad school
Just started this on the drive to work. Enjoyed the hour I listened to so far. Reminds me of the decision making class I took in grad school
So I have never read this series before and it was recommended to me by a friend. I am on book 2 Stone of Tears and really enjoying it so far
My #fridaylistens really enjoying it and learning a lot about Shaun T and some helpful tools along the way.
Listened to this on audio. Pretty good YA novel. Follows an interesting concept of separating the population into Day people and night people during a flu epidemic that ends up becoming the new normal. A few decades later this is strictly enforced with curfew violations and other laws.
A girl named Sol plans to break several of these rules to bring her dying grandfather his new great granddaughter just one time.
Told in a similar style to The Iluminae Filed but a bit darker. Deals with a girl named Carly whose parents died in an accident. We open to her in a mental institution that she spends her summers in when she isn't in boarding school. In the day she is Carly but at night she is Kaitlyn. The doctors say it is a psychosis from the accident but Carly says Kaitlyn has always been there. Was an okay read
I loved this book and it's quirky weird family. A great exploration of family dynamics in a fun, light hearted way. The narrator did a great job making all the different characters come to life and have different tones.
Love this cookbook. I have been pleased with both the hungry girl cookbooks I have. Using this to pick out egg mugs for breakfast this werk
I finished the series today. And I love, love, love this series. Such great world building and characters. Definitely check this trilogy out
Started this over the weekend. Trying to implement it slowly
I am about 50 pages in and I am still not into the book. I don't have the desire to pick it up and read it. Should I keep going?
I won books! Yay. Was a nice surprise in the mailbox. Thanks to Viking Press and Penguin Random House
Finished this on audio today. First, the audiobooks of this series are fantastic productions. A cast of narrators for the characters as well as music and other effects added in. As far as Gemina goes I was a little weary at first since we weren't following the same characters as the first book but that quickly fades as you find out Hannah is just as awesome as Kate and the story is just as exciting. Eventually it all comes together.
Love this book and this series so far. Feels like a very poignant read with everything going on right now. This is the second book in the series, the first is Queen of the Tearling. In this book, Queen Kelsey is trying to figure out how to save her kingdom from the invading Mort army. Meanwhile she is also getting flashes and visions of a woman named Lilly, who lived long ago in pre-crossing America.
Picked this up at the library today. Looking forward to digging in.
So I had to do a spoiled post about this book, because, that ending! I never saw such a supernatural event like Violet being killed by the ghost inmates and Ori being able to come back and liv me her life. I still don't know what I think about it!
I really didn't know what I was getting into when I picked this up. I just knew it dealt with ballet and a murder and that was enough to sign me up. A bit of a ghost story, a bit of a psychological thriller with a little supernatural thrown in. 3.5 stars for the story of Violet, Ori and Amber. A story told from the three girls viewpoints that explores those moments in their life they wish they could take back
4.5 stars. Really enchanting tail rich with singing, opera and history woven in. I listened to the audio version and loved it. The story follows a young woman through her journey from America to Paris and it seems that everyone but her is in control of her fate. Triumph and defeat takes you on a roller coaster in this for sure.
Interesting read. A great pick for feminists and has two great female characters in it with Freya and the new female Thor.
Picked up Thor The Goddess of Thunder for Book Riot's #readharderchallenge for the superhero comic with a female lead. While I already read and love Ms. Marvel with Kampala Kahn, I wanted to pick up something new for the challenge. Then I found Black Magic in the new releases section. The library near my work actually has a great graphic novel section!
Finished this book on audio a day or two ago. I loved the mix of old film and movie making with the thriller/mystery aspect. Narrator was good and it was much better to have the French names and locations spoken for me instead of reading it and having my head butcher it. I will be picking up the sequel soon!