Thanks to our Public Library for having this book available for me to check out. Once I am finished reading Looking For Alaska I am going to knock this beauty out. I can not wait to find out what happens next!
Thanks to our Public Library for having this book available for me to check out. Once I am finished reading Looking For Alaska I am going to knock this beauty out. I can not wait to find out what happens next!
"Sometimes I don't get you," I said.
She didn't even glance at me. She just smiled toward the television and said "You never get me. That's the whole point."
Alaska is becoming a favorite character. I love her sassy and witty remarks.
I hardly ever cry while reading but this book made me ugly cry! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time and the ending was nothing of what I was expecting! This was the perfect ending to one of my favorite trilogies yet! Seriously am thinking of rereading it soon. 10 out of 5 stars ❤️.
A beautifully delivered sequel to Legend. Lu surprises her readers with a dystopian world like you couldn't even imagine. I loved the revelation, the romance, the nail-biting suspense. And that cliffhanger! Another 5 out of 5 stars for this amazing book that needs to be on your book shelf ASAP!
Marie Lu's Legend trilogy might be my top favorite Dystopian story (so far)! This story is packed with action, deceit, lies, and betrayal. Both of the main characters, June and Day, are bad ass. I couldn't help but ship them from the very beginning. 10 out of 5 stars! ❤️ I Love This Trilogy!
This. Book. Was. Damn. Good. 😍 Bracken painted a beautifully described and extremely unique dystopian world. I loved everything about this story and am dying to get my hands on the other two!
I can't even with this book! The ending to this amazing story was extremely anticipated. My expectations were met and more. Mafi is an exceptional writer and after I finished this trilogy, she became one of my top favorites. 5 Stars!
This sequel gave me all the feels. I read this in a weekend because I was so ready to find out the ending. My heart suffered throughout the whole story. I have to add that I became Team Warner in this book but I still love Adam's character. The artwork on the covers are stunning!Read this trilogy!
There was something about this book that wowed me. This dystopian romance story was a addictive page turner! I loved the characters. I loved the uniqueness of the story. I loved the writing. I gave his book 4.5 stars. It is one of my favorite trilogies!
"This is a short book because most books about writing are filled with bullshit." Oh Mr. King, how you can make me laugh only 4 pages into this book. My grandmother bought this book for me as a gift. I hope it teaches me better skills as a writer and to help encourage me to finish my own novel.
This book was magnificent in every aspect. John Green made me smile brightly, ugly cry, and become speechless. The Characters were some of my all time favorite along with the love story itself. This is a book I would reread over and over. ❤️
Do you know what body armor says about a guy? It says he needs body armor.
I read this novel a few years ago but still remember this quote 😆.
This novel has stunning artwork! The story was engaging and crisp. It gives a different twist to Bruce's story with small tweaks of change here and there. Over all it was an interesting twist to the batman story.
This graphic novel was a little mediocre for my taste. It is mainly a Fantastic Four story even though it has other Marvel Characters like Spider-Man and X-men. It was written by a great team of writers but was not one of my favorites.
This novel is an alternate reality where Captain America exists during modern times and have characterizations that reflect this particular modernity. This story was very enjoyable and Captain America will always be my favorite Marvel character.
I own a few graphic novels and my very first was this beauty. Batman is not shown as the glossy television, movie, or recent comic version. This novel shows the ultimate representation of Bruce Wayne as The Dark Knight. The artwork is not as neat as most but the story was beautifully written.
Book hauls are the best and even better at a discount. Here are a few on my bookshelf that I have not read yet.
I read Beautiful Disaster last year and found it annoyingly addictive. The relationship between Abby and Travis was exhausting with their constant bickering but this story has a quality about it that kept me reading page after page curiously wanting to know what will happen next. It's a good read.
I hate to say this about a John Green book but this story bored me. It's bad when a movie was actually more enjoyable than the book. This story, however, does not effect my views on John Green as an author. I know that not every novel will be as successful as another.
Hopeless was my very first Hoover novel and the story between Sky and Holder was so beautifully written that it easily became one of my top favorites. Hoover's novels always has a mysterious entrance and ends with a heart-wrenching twist. This novel is a must read! 5 out of 5 stars!
There's nothing like getting some reading in while your little one is napping. I started John Green's Looking For Alaska again. I only was a few pages in before I caved and read a Colleen Hoover book because I was missing her writing but I'm focusing on this beauty because Green is another favorite!
Another CoHo book that I absolutely love. It's a very intriguing and unique romantic story that teased, torcheres, and satisfied my emotions. I gave this beautifully written book 5 out of 5 stars. Full review is on my Goodreads account.
Confess was written beautifully and has left me speechless. Colleen creates nail-biting suspense and unexpected plot twists that make me appreciate her creative imagination. This story had an Instalove relationship I adored along with the two main characters. Full review is on my Goodreads. ❤️
He kisses me like he's giving me every kiss he wishes he could had given me in the past, and every kiss he'll wish he could give me in the future. All of them, all at once.