Do you ever just get in the mood to reread something? I have this romance on my mind tonight.
Do you ever just get in the mood to reread something? I have this romance on my mind tonight.
Also!! Went ahead and checked out the first book in the spin off series. Excited to know all Conrad's books out.
Three books in a week?! Thanks to the library, starting the third book in my series!! 🍭🍦🍾
Starting a new hashtag on my Instagram {TiffanyBolin} called #TheLibraryDiaries ➡️ Your more than welcome to join in. I feel like I spend so much time at the library, and I'm constantly making new discoveries.
I should feel ashamed for liking this series. This isn't great literature or world shaking writing, but yet just a whimsical girl novel. Actually, guilty pleasure read. It's basically reality TV. Something about this series fulfilled the girl needs inside me.The constant battles of friendship +love.
I actually read this one awhile back but I am just now getting around to completing the series.
"Scarlett hadn't written back. And she wasn't entirely sure why. It wasn't that she didn't miss him. She did-a lot. She missed their conversations about books and music and movies and politics. She missed his kisses. She missed the way he wrapped his arms around her, making her feel desired."
I have more library books that I obviously need to talk about on here this week. 😄
I promised people a inside look of this book for couples! Here it is. It's whimsical and fun. Every couple should do this. 🐝💛🌾
Just watched this movie and I'm now very eager to read the book!! 😱
{personal post} I am on the edge of creating a motherhood / marriage blog. I use IG as a way to blog. Well I bought this journal for organizing my thoughts. Any book recommendations on journaling? Or motherhood? 🐝💛 Thanks!
You guys!! I bailed on this book and put off watching the movie because I didn't care for the book. . BUT just now finished the movie and LOVED it. Should I just reread the book? It showed lots of things that made me think of Looking For Alaska, which I loved, so now I'm thinking I should reread it.
Seriously?! Cutest book ever! I snagged this at TJ Maxx, and my husband is actually in love with it. A book for married couples to fill out relationship information ➡️ and it even has the cutest places for Polaroid pictures!! A book made for us. 🐝💛
I know nothing about these books besides the fact that they're about trolls and the author was recognized from writing on her online blog. BUT who can pass up a series that is literally only a $1 a book?? Thank you peddlers mall. 👌🏼 I'll just add these to my collection.
I really loved this movie, but I found the book drawn out. However, it might just be my taste, I always find Nicolas Sparks books too long. (Exception to Safe Haven) I'm just not that big of a fan of his writing style. The story is good, but I felt bored throughout the book.
Started this book. I actually read the first one a long time ago. I needed something light after reading The Night Circus, so went with this series. The reviews on this series aren't that great, but needed a girly read.
Another library book I checked out yesterday. This one has been on my To-Read list for some time. It'll be the first book I read to be from a dog's perspective of life. 🙈 🏡 💛 🐝
I had a successful trip to the library yesterday evening. I have read this before but it's been awhile and I love intentional stories. 💛🐝 So felt it would be a nice summer read.
Currently reading. The reviews on this novel that I've read have been outstanding, and I'm anxious to knock this book out. The artwork in it is breathtaking and I have a bit of a hint of what the story is about, and I feel like this children's book is one that will emotionally wreck me.
Random. I'm thankful for Litsy for having a Instagram-like book related atmosphere. I've wanted to create a IG account for my book reviews for awhile, and now I have this app. I get to take pretty pictures of books I read now and it excites me. It's like having a live-diary of my reading life. 💛🐝
I have a feeling this is one that will stick with me for awhile. The story is complete MAGIC.
My Goodreads review is officially up. You can find me and add me as a friend: Tiffany Bolin
This is definitely a must read.
Just finished this book, and I'm speechless. I'm fixing to sit down and write my thoughts down in more length on Goodreads. What a book. This will make for a very great movie. The next read for Harry Potter fans. A very magical read.
Now I don't claim that I actually believe these photos were real or that such a thing even exist. However as a photographer, and a lover of film, I found this book super fun to read.The film pictures were extraordinary. I enjoyed the book more for the photographs than the actual paranormal captured.
One of my favorite things is being married to a reader. He's been reading the Game of Thrones series, and it's the greatest feeling to lay in bed next to him at night while he reads.
I checked this out from the library in hopes that me and my daughter could burn through it quickly together as a team, however, despite our love for Star Wars, we found reading it kind of dull. 🙈 I feel guilty even saying that. Just not our cup our tea book wise.
No. No. And No. This book did not need to happen. Me Before You left me satisfied with where Lou ended. After You is purely written to satisfy readers questions of, "where did she go next?" Resulting in this book feeling more like fan-fiction. I have erased this book from mind, ending at MeBeforeU.
I read this book a few months back, and even though it is a quick read, I found it just bland. The romance isn't that special. The friendship is stupid. Just another pointless drama.
"Oh, aye, Sassenach. I am your master . . . and you're mine. Seems I canna possess your soul without losing my own."
Only seems right to quote the book I was searching for.
BOOK LOVERS will be so happy to hear that this movie lived up to the book. We absolutely loved it!! 🐝 💛 🐝 Lou is one of my favorite book characters of all time.
#MeBeforeYou #JojoMoyes #MeBeforeYouMovie #Movies #JoyfulMarriedHeart #MarriedLife
Anyone read anything by Simone Elkeles? This was from my #BookHaul yesterday. It was $5 and hardcover, so I didn't want to pass it up despite the fact I had never heard of this book. It's a football // high school romance.
"I have been surrounded by love letters you two have built each other for years, encased in tents."
Late night reading this magical novel.
I was so HAPPY (beyond HAPPY) to score this book at the junkstore today for $3! As you know, I love Cate Tiernan. I recently just powered through the Sweep novels. So this is luck!! #BookHaul
Sometimes we just expect God to do the work for us, instead maybe he gives us the appropriate tools for us to tackle the situation ourselves.
Keeping her eye on Marco, she draws a single tarot card. She flips it over on the desk and looks down to see what her cards have to say about the matter.
A man stands between two women, a cherub with bow and arrow hovering over heads.The Lovers.
"Is she pretty?" Isobel ask. Marco doesn't answer.
The Black Cat is one of my favorite short stories of all times. It's the perfect horror read for the month of October.
Also Niffenegger's short story in this collection is amazing. It's very disturbing and extremely creative.
Literally falling over books in my house. I have so many creative DIY bookshelves ideas in the works. Also slowly collecting some inspiration "intentional lifestyle" books.
I LOVE this story. It takes time to adjust reading backwards than the American way, but once you adjust, it's a fun read. The art is beautiful. The story is of a mother who raises her two wolf children after her husband dies. It's beautiful.
This book.... It had me from the start. I hardly could put it down, and then when it ended, I felt emotionally wrecked.
My all-time favorite children's story. I have been working on writing a children's book and often reflect on Tim Burton's poetic phrases as inspiration.
One of my all time favorite love stories. I haven't reread it this year yet, so there isn't a goodreads review of this novel on my profile yet. But I promise there will be some point this year.
"Hey Clark, tell me something good," he said. I stared out the window at the blue-Swiss Sky and I told him the story of two people. Two people who should have met, and didn't like each other when they did. And I told him about the adventures they had, and the places they had gone. #UglyCry #BestBook
Perhaps none of us were actually made to live a hurried life. Perhaps a desire to live slowly and intentionally resonated deeply in the core DNA of just about all of us. #NotesFromABlueBike
This book really touched my heart. I am a advocate for intentional living and this book speaks that.
Part #4 I loved!
I went out and bought all the parts and instantly read them. Love!
Am I the only person who was really bored with this novel?