Sorry guys.
Another epic adventure that left me delving deep into my personal philosophies regarding science, nature, spirituality, and religion.
Blushing and geeking out that my book has 12 reviews and 21 ratings with a high average! It isn‘t a lot but it means the absolute world to me! 🖤
I loved the way this book started out but it was far too depressing for my mood. I also was a little annoyed with the writing style. Lastly, who lets their 7-year-old wander around New York?!
Firinne, the Second Queen of Citrine, can no longer hide from the terror that has overtaken her planet. With the stag that befriends her and an electric orphan, she must fight her way past the mountains and across the sea where she kills the lover who betrayed her and risks her life by traveling to another dimension in order to save her planet from the sentient poison that is breaking her world apart.
Can't go wrong with Atwood!
Good writing and obviously Jo is Queen but I couldn't get attached to the characters and I got impatient with the plot.
I couldn't get through this book. The tales are largely disappointing which is a true shame because I adore Riggs.
Atwood is the best kind of crazy!
So spot on!
I've really been reading duds lately. I was so intrigued by the blurb and so incredibly disappointed. This book, while imaginative, is nothing more than a Victorian-circus twist on the classic, Romeo & Juliette. If I could get my money back, I would. I'm also seriously debating on whether I should blog my concerns regarding the publishing industry.
I'll be honest, it was a struggle to be absorbed by this book. While the writing is good, and the plot is disturbing, i just wasn't grabbed like others were. I'm sure it has to do with personal taste and holds no reflection of the book itself.
Fantastic book written by an honest reporter. I can't say enough that his books should be read by everyone before November!
The prose in this book were amazing. The plot was a little hard to follow and I found a disconnect with the characters. If you read this book, go into it with the expectation of connecting with grief.
Never apologize for being your weird self.
We are all some kind of crazy.
Experience life like you have some unknown disease and death is imminent.
Don‘t be ashamed of your body fat, especially if you are a hypochondriac because bulimia is a real thing and it is tragic and scary.
Real-life Sex is awkward.
Art. Just art.
Full review at www.inkyquillwarts.com
Check out my debut novel! It's free on Kindle, iBooks, Nook, Kobo, and Smashwords! I would love to hear what you guys think!
To be honest, I was super disappointed in this book. There's far too much detail that isn't necessary. I also was disgusted by the child-orgy scene which again, was completely unnecessary. Positive? I loved that fighting IT was done by channeling your inner kid.
To be honest, I was super disappointed in this book. There's far too much detail that isn't necessary. I also was disgusted by the child-orgy scene which again, was completely unnecessary. Positive? I loved that fighting IT was done by channeling your inner kid.
Awesome series! Far better than The Force Awakens, and just a reminder...this is who Han is....
This book is filled to the brim wth awesome typographical art! It is such a insane ride to the end! Seriously awesome stuff right here, folks. Read my full review at www.inkyquillwarts.com
This is a coming-of-age novel that I would describe as light-crime. There's nothing too creepy or gory in this one but it's The King and the story is still a great one. I was totally drawn into the carny world!
Basically, you should read this book if you are a skeptic, give this book to anyone who is a skeptic and keep it on your shelf in case you have company at your house who is a skeptic.
Lastly, this is a call to action that we should take seriously. Get involved one way or another.
Contact me at: Inkyquillwarts [at] gmail.com for free copy of Binarius in exchange for your honest review!
In short, a group of scientists selected by the CIA advised our government to encourage all agencies within the intelligence community to influence mass media and infiltrate civilian research groups for the purpose of debunking UFOs.
"Binarius, a tale of victim and perpetrator, and those who inevitably -- are both."
This trilogy is like 1984 meets Star Wars — on acid…or mushrooms as Sevro would probably prefer. .....full review at www.inkyquillwarts.com
Fantastic read that will make you question everything you've ever been taught in school about ancient history! For someone who isn't big on historical nonfiction, I couldn't put it down!
"...anything that believes only in itself cannot go happily into the night."